You may say what you want but this is absolutely the truth and

By on Aug 7, 2017

Jeanine asks the question I have asking and answering for months, “why do we continue to let them get away with it?” If anyone can explain it better than what I have I would love to hear it.   Following a FOIA dump last week by the American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ) which seemingly revealed collusion between the FBI, DOJ and several mainstream media outlets to coverup the now-infamous meeting between then Attorney General Loretta Lynch and Bill Clinton just days before the FBI exonerated Hillary, Judge Jeanine decided to ask a very simple question, one which we’ve pondered many times ourselves, in her opening monologue, “why do we continue to let them get away with it?” “Why do we let them get away with it? They lie, cheat, violate the rules, then cover up.  And, they get away with it.” “We’re no longer a country where...

No Tampering? How will we prove anything?

By on Aug 6, 2017

Falling into the same category as the voter fraud story immediately preceding this entry we have the cheaters second favorite topic (after their first favorite, the murder of babies) global warming now known as climate change since there was no warming despite their best efforts at cheating such as demonstrated in the story below. As with all things on the left the fraud is motivated by money but yet, I still find it amazing that men and women would be willing to sell ALL their integrity, their entire discipline and, in the largest sense, all of mankind down the hell hole they live in for money. And, as always, what is even more amazing than the corrupt men and women are those who believe their lies despite the facts – that is simply incredible. TEMPERATURE READINGS PLUNGE AFTER AUSTRALIA’S BUREAU OF METEOROLOGY ORDERS END TO ‘TAMPERING’ “The Bureau­ of Meteorology (BoM)...

How many votes did hillary win L.A. county by?

By on Aug 6, 2017

Putting aside the fraud which is easily explainable and understandable lets ask two questions –  Why will NOTHING ever come of this?  Why would much come of it if it were a republican stronghold? To question number 1: It is not so much that democrats cheat at elections, heck, why else would they be so opposed to voter ID, (which, by the way, has the same question asked since no reasonable, rational person could actually believe people who drive, have bank accounts, ride airplanes, buy alcohol and cigarettes are being discriminated against by asking for an ID at the voting booth), so, it is not the cheating, which is, as I said easily explained, they cannot win any other way since they have no ideas and eventually you run out of other people’s money to buy votes with. However, a much darker picture starts to emerge when we examine the underlying character traits of the...

Al Gore thy name is HYPOCRITE

By on Aug 2, 2017

Aside from being a hypocrite and a buffoon Al is a liar and the most despicable of movement leaders as he leads the unthinking to their own ruin while he lives like a king off of their fear which he creates. However, I do not feel too bad for those who believe him for they deserve what they get for being idiots. EXCLUSIVE: Al Gore’s Home Devours 34 Times More Electricity Than Average U.S. Household Drew Johnson Senior Fellow, National Center for Public Policy Research On Friday, Al Gore’s sequel to “An Inconvenient Truth” – “An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power” – arrives in movie theaters across the country. But there’s another inconvenient sequel worth noting and, like most sequels, this one is even worse than the original. Gore’s hypocritical home energy use and “do as I say not as I do” lifestyle has plunged to embarrassing new depths. In just this past year, Gore burned through...

I no longer trust polls but if this is even half true

By on Aug 2, 2017

you would think the German people should have learned something about PROPAgANDA by now. And while I do not believe climate change is a bigger concern than terrorism to the Germans, unfortunately, I do believe the majority of them believe it is a concern on which they are willing to waste money and inconvenience themselves which speaks to the power of PROPAgANDA and we know where that lead the Germans 80 years ago. I am greatly disappointed with ALL out European neighbors but especially the Germans who seem intent on leading the EU in self-destruction. Poll Finds More Germans Fear Climate Change Than Terrorism For a time back in 2015, there were widespread concerns that the spike in terrorist attacks in Germany in the aftermath of Angela Merkel’s open door policy which admitted 1 million refugees in Germany from the middle east would lead to a popular wave of unrest, perhaps...