The Secret Government: The Constitution in Crisis A 1987 Special Report by Bill Moyers

By on Sep 5, 2024

The Secret Government: The Constitution in CrisisA 1987 Special Report by Bill MoyersAfter much searching I finally located this mini-documentary about the history of Iran-Contra which is one of the biggest and most revealing scandals in American history. In many ways we…— Champagne Joshi (@JoshWalkos) August 21, 2024 The Secret Government: The Constitution in CrisisA 1987 Special Report by Bill MoyersAfter much searching I finally located this mini-documentary about the history of Iran-Contra which is one of the biggest and most revealing scandals in American history. In many ways we…— Champagne Joshi (@JoshWalkos) August 21, 2024 😉— Ghost of Ted Gunderson (@TedGunderson202) August 21,...

Christ and Covenant: Federal Theology in Orthodoxy R. Scott Clark

By on Apr 6, 2024

Since the middle of the nineteenth century scholars have questioned whether Reformed orthodoxy represented a corruption of, a reaction to, or an authentic development of the early Reformed theology of Martin Bucer (1491–1551), Heinrich Bullinger (1504–1575), and John Calvin (1509–1564).1 This approach sees a movement from a vital movement to an institutional corruption of that vitality.2 In the middle of the nineteenth century, Heinrich Heppe (1820–79) pioneered the second of these approaches portraying Reformed covenant or federal theology as a Melanchthonian reaction to Calvin’s alleged predestinarian dogmatism.3 A third approach finds two competing traditions with Reformed theology, one gracious and covenantal and the other 1 For a concise survey of the older approach to Reformed orthodoxy see Richard A. Muller, Christ and the Decree: Christology and Predestination in Reformed...

Biden, Harris, FBI, & Top Democrats Implicated in High Crimes Against America

By on Jan 31, 2024

But they are still being arrested and prosecuted and the gop and scotus stand by and do nothing! In an address to the nation on Jan 5th, 2024, Joe Biden further implicated himself, Kamala Harris, the FBI, and other top Democrat politicians, in high crimes against the United States of America. Referring to a federally planned entrapment and smear operation which was successfully executed by the FBI on January 6th, 2021, and which resulted in the murder of an American Air Force veteran, Biden stated: “Since that day, more than 1,200 hundred people have been charged for their assault on the Capitol. Nearly 900 of them have been convicted or plead guilty. Collectively to date, they have been sentenced to more than 840 years in prison.”Joe Biden, January 5th, 2024 Joe Biden implicating himself in the entrapment of American citizens?— John ⭐️ 🇺🇸🕊️⛑️...

This Is What They Don’t Want You to Know About the Climate Agenda

By on Jan 11, 2024

The Greatest Scientific Fraud Of All Time — Part XXXII (Sea Level Rise Edition) March 18, 2024/ Francis Menton The Greatest Scientific Fraud Of All Time is the fraud by which government functionaries alter data collected and previously reported in official data bases in order to support a narrative of impending catastrophic global warming. No other scientific fraud in world history comes close to this one in scope or significance. While prior frauds may have scored a crooked scientist some funding or maybe some temporary fame, this one drives trillions of dollars of worldwide government spending and seeks to transform the entire world economy. The prior 31 posts in this series are all collected for your reading enjoyment at this link. (They are in groups of six posts each, beginning with the most recent. After each six, you must go to the bottom and click the “NEXT” button...

How to Understand the Well-Being Gap between Liberals and Conservatives

By on Jan 9, 2024

by Musa al-Gharbi In a recent essay for Social Science & Medicine–Mental Health, epidemiologist Catherine Gimbrone and coauthors identified a significant gap in depressive attitudes between liberal and conservative teens. This gap was present in all years observed in the study (2005–18). It grew significantly starting in 2012, however, as depressive affect unilaterally spiked among liberals. Three years later, conservatives also began reporting increases in depression—although that rise tapered off relatively quickly while the increases among liberals continued. Liberal girls tended to be significantly more depressed than boys, particularly after 2011. However, ideological differences swamped gender differences. Indeed, liberal boys were significantly more likely to report depression than conservatives of either gender. The authors also found that the...

Patrick Byrne Full AmericaFest Speech

By on Jan 3, 2024