Occam’s Razor – This is where we should turn for an explanation of what is happening in D.C. Sure mueller hopes to find something to discredit Trump so that the dems have something to use come November elections, problem is, there is nothing, (which mueller and the dems can’t understand since they know how they play the game and on their side there is always something as we have seen during this investigation all the dirt and collusion is on the dem side) but that will not stop mueller and WHY is that? That is where the razor comes in. Simply put, the last administration and the deep state (entrenched Wahington) ARE ALL GUILTY of so many crimes they must find some way to indict Trump for what they are guilty of or many of them will be spending their last years at Leavenworth. It really is as simple as that, mueller, comey, rosenstein, mccabe, hillary, obama et. al....