This woman has it right on the money.
It’s Not Trump Derangement Syndrome
The Democrats’ behavior after 2016 is not mass delusion or mass hysteria or Trump Derangement Syndrome, or any of the other psychobabble explanations that dominate our political commentary. My first career was as a psychoanalytic psychotherapist, and I am not impressed with spraying around clinical terms as a substitute for looking at what is in front of us. Trump Derangement Syndrome is a colorful description for political behavior. It is not an analysis of what causes it.
Under Barack Obama, ordinary Democrats became enamored of the narrative that they were the Good People, hence entitled to crush anyone in their way, because everything they do is in the service of social justice.
The derangement we are facing is not Orange Man Bad; it is America Bad.
The Democrats don’t believe in our two-party system anymore. They utterly reject American civic norms of treating the president with a modicum of respect and cooperation. They don’t want to alternate presidential power every four or eight years. They think theirs is the only party that deserves to be elected.
Before Trump was a gleam in their eye, Democrats saw themselves as the only morally valid people in the country. They don’t want individual rights anymore, only group rights. They want Republicans and dissenting liberals to be silenced. Silencing is too good for us—they want us publicly shamed, if need be physically attacked, and any contrary ideas hounded out of the public and the private square.
Democrats hate our electoral system as unjust because it doesn’t deliver to them guaranteed victory. All their efforts towards 2020 will be focused on changing our election laws and norms. They don’t want the electoral college, which guards against domination of the country by politically narrow urban population centers.
They don’t want any safeguards against voter fraud. In fact, they want to legalize a broad highway to fraud, voter “harvesting.” Paid political operatives go door to door, picking up unused mail-in ballots (sent out without request if Democrats have their way), fill them in for the Democrat candidate, and voilà, the Democrats win. They just rolled out the beta test in Orange County, and it flipped long-time red districts blue.
To win in 2020, Democrats will commit every voter scam and fraud ever invented and they are in the process of inventing a whole lot of new ones. Intimidation and moral grandstanding are keys to success for them, hence, attacking Republicans who dare to wear a Trump hat, put up a yard sign, or put a bumper sticker on their car. They will stop the census from asking about citizenship, because illegal voters on the population rolls gives California alone six seats in Congress they would not otherwise have, robbing those seats from more rural, more Republican states.
Social justice, like all Marxist ideologies, believes the ends justify the means. Democrats have no shame that they lied for two years, pretending that a farrago of clumsy lies whipped up by Russian agents for Hillary Clinton was a valid reason to investigate a sitting president. They need hatred of Trump to unify their disparate voting blocks and whip up the frenzy necessary to cover over their unpopular, radical policies.
Naked political power is the driving force behind our culture wars, and behind the weird war on President Trump. It has little to do with his specific policies, let alone his tweets and his pugnacious personality, except that Trump’s counterpunching and toughness have allowed him to survive. John McCain and Mitt Romney didn’t drive them crazy because they caved without a fight. Trump drives Democrats crazy because he won, and because he won’t give in or give up.
That Trump keeps doing a fantastic job on the economy and foreign affairs makes them scared of voters liking what they see, hence they become more determined to take him out by dirtying him up with hysteria. It’s a tactic they use to propagandize low information voters, and suburban moms who don’t like conflict. So Democrats will cause nonstop noise, anger, and conflict, out of thin air if necessary.
It’s not derangement, it’s war.
The Democrats’ onslaught against Trump—the only force that stands in their way—is a testament to their will to power. President Trump didn’t cause the crazy attacks on him. The Russian collusion hoax was foisted on the country by the highest levels of the Obama Administration (likely including Obama himself, although no one will state the obvious) before Trump even entered the Oval Office.
This isn’t delusional or deranged behavior, it is deliberate political behavior aimed directly at the same old political end: power. Democrats—voters as well as party hacks—followed their leaders into the moral abyss because they didn’t care about undoing a legitimate election. They just wanted to win, at any cost to America and to our democracy.
The Democrats have one power tool to patch up their differences and stop voters from fleeing their left-wing radical nonsense. It is the same power tool demagogues have used through history. They need an outgroup to hate and vilify. They plan to unify the party around hating Trump and his followers as a racists. They want their voters to hate and distrust white heterosexual males.
None of this has anything to do with President Trump, the people who support him, or their policies.
Democrats are not deranged—their tactics work, and work well. They are not well meaning. Do not believe their moral preening. They are power hungry.
The derangement we face is a deliberate and calculated strategy of the social-justice Left. It has been turned into a mass movement by a bandwagon of Democrat politicians and media professionals who are riding it to personal power, publicity, and financial profit.
Orange Man Bad because America Bad. Trump and his supporters’ big crime is that they believe in and love America. The Democrats real derangement is that they no longer believe in American individualism and freedom of thought, speech, and enterprise. They don’t believe in the philosophy of “live and let live,” so vital to our republic. They don’t even believe in justice, only what they deceptively call “social justice.”
A political movement based on a sense of moral monopoly and it’s own unquestioned right to rule is anti-American at its core. Keep your eye on the main game, not the tactic of attacking Trump. Trump will only be here to defend us for six more years at the most.
The Democrats are in the dismantling of America for the long haul. It is a national tragedy and it must be stopped.
Dems’ Rejection of Mueller’s Exoneration of Trump Endangers our Republic
Old pols like Pelosi and Schumer and Biden surely knew the accusations that President Trump was a traitor, working hand in glove with Putin, were absurd and unfounded. In throwing their lot in with those accusing Donald Trump of being a traitor, they betrayed their country, their voters, the rule of law, and the foundations of our republican form of government.
Their rejection of the Mueller exoneration was fore-ordained. They cannot and will not return to normal politics.
The information that the Russia collusion investigation was based on Team Hillary’s oppo research was soon known. We quickly learned that Comey hid that vital information from the FISA court. We learned that the Obama DOJ and intelligence agencies went beyond eavesdropping, to blatant entrapment efforts. Revelations on the dirty work of Susan Rice, Clapper and Brennan, Rosenstein, followed swiftly.
Mark Levin, in a must-see take-down of Mueller on Fox and Friends, asks “How can you talk about Russia interfering in our election and ignore the Hillary Clinton campaign, and the DNC, and the senior level FBI that’s been wiped out by their own conduct? How in the world can you do that and not interview Barack Obama and Susan Rice and all the rest of them?”
Levin’s question, of course, answers itself: the entire Resistance and Mueller investigation has been a cover-up for Barack Obama’s role in the under-handed campaign to take down President Trump with dirty tricks.
Any person of ordinary intelligence could see that spying on Trump and pretending he was a traitor was a multi-faceted project of the Obama administration. The leaks purporting to tag Trump as a traitor are a very crude, very wide trail leading straight to Obama’s highest appointees.
That is not to underestimate the power of self-delusion. Some Democrat politicians, the Democrat media, and masses of Democrat voters were true hysterics. They sincerely believed the deplorables had elected a Putin stooge. Mass hysteria is a real and dangerous phenomenon. It has been abused throughout history by unscrupulous demagogues to gain power and destroy the innocent.
Why did the Democrats do it? A sufficient answer is one word: Obama. Obama must be protected at all costs, even if the cost is the rule of law, fair elections, democracy itself. We saw this play out over and over during Obama’s two terms. His fellow Dems never uttered a word of correction, and the press worked over-time to cover up one illegal action after another, of this worst of American presidents. The use of the IRS to silence the rising mass movement of Tea Party political opponents was an abuse of federal power to turn an election that presaged the Russian frame-up of Trump. Obama, like other Marxists, believes his side must win. The goal of social justice justifies every injustice.
But this is not all about Obama. Obama set it off, but then all he had to do is keep out of sight. Every single Democrat who led the Russian witch-hunt gained status, power, money, and fame. The foot soldiers had fun. The fellow travelers won safety from attack by their peers. They did it for themselves. This includes journalists, politicians, celebrities, academics. It also includes ordinary Democrats, willing to follow their leaders into the moral abyss because they were willing to pay any price to undo their electoral defeat. They sold their souls to the devil to win power they had lost at the ballot box. They were not willing to wait four years and try again.
Democrat leaders in DC and the press did it because power corrupts. Obama’s crooked frame up of Trump carried the irresistible promise of permanent power to sleazy politicians. For journalists, the inept and transparent attempt to frame President Trump was bringing personal fame and fortune.
It is easy to go with hypocrisy and tell yourself you are fighting for truth when you are lying and lynching. It is the rare person cynical enough to admit their own corruption. They were never confronted with a mirror as long as they stayed within the world of their equally corrupt peers. With a payoff of real power, real money and real fame, people of weak character will easily choose to believe their bull doesn’t stink.
At first, Democrats were dreaming of breaking President Trump’s spirit and hounding him out of office, without having to prove a thing. They underestimated President Trump’s strength of character.
Some were aiming for impeachment. Others were content with hounding, harassing and hobbling his administration by investigating him non-stop — first by Comey, then Mueller, now by power-hungry members of Congress.
The Democrats’ party from top to bottom has been running wild on the promised revelations of the Mueller report. Mueller and his team of Democrat partisans, supported by the propaganda press, strung out the accusations for two long years. There is no question they threw the 2018 mid-terms to the Democrats.
Mueller tried his hardest, but he came up with zero on Russia collusion. He came up with zero on obstruction of justice and could not recommend prosecution. So instead, he in effect recommended Congressional persecution.
Mueller set the witch-hunt spinning again with 200 pages of innuendo and the extra-legal declaration that his team could not ‘exonerate’ the President of wanting at times to scuttle the investigation. It’s appears a weak reed, but the whole partisan witch-hunt had no more substance from the very start. It’s worked rather well for them so far.
If the Democrat leadership had an ounce of patriotic or civic virtue in their veins, they would announce publicly that the accusations that our sitting President is a traitor with Russia – the most serious accusation against a President in American history – were blessedly proven utterly baseless. They would allow their Republican opponent to play out his presidential term normally, blocking his legislative efforts with their votes and filibusters, fighting his ideas and actions in the press, and hoping to win voters to their superior leaders and platform.
Their fundamental problem is they don’t have superior leaders or ideas. They have increasingly weird, radical leaders who appeal only to a slice of the electorate. Their candidates have gone all-in on open borders, highly unpopular with even their own voters. It’s hard to find any politico who thinks banning cars, legalizing infanticide, insisting there are more than two sexes, or ending freedom of speech and religion are winning policies outside of Democrat elitist circles.
The Democrats’ one proven strategy – it works very well indeed with their voters — is the emotional manipulation of their voters into identity groups united by hating Trump and his voters. They need to paint Trump as a racist and traitor, his supporters are all-round bigots, and excite envy and resentment of white privilege. Malice to the highest degree follows naturally.
The Democrats’ emotional high and the electoral success that follows, explain why Democrats cannot drop the radical partisanship that President Obama fed to the party. They are hooked on identity politics’ hate, as strongly as an addict to his opioids.
They can’t return to the normal levels of political lying that enables the center to hold. They don’t want a center to the country. They don’t want respectful and honest competition. They are undercutting the norms that have sustained our republican system for our entire history.
American individualism, unity, and optimism are in the way and must be destroyed.
Democrats rode to victory in the House in 2018 on the Mueller investigation. They still need the demonization of Trump as a traitor and rejection of America as a country of haters. It is their only ticket to ride to the White House. They are not going to give it up.