Ephesians 6:12

By on Apr 22, 2019

“For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.” Perhaps this is obvious but were this written today besides “rulers” and “authorities” Paul certainly would have added the MSM. But I digress. The “we” Paul refers to are Believers, Christians and the wrestling he describes has never changed. The ‘rulers’, ‘authorities’ and the msm are merely the conduits, the vessels of wrath, the minions of ‘the comic powers’ and ‘spiritual forces of evil’. How else can the same battle rage for 2000 years? How else can you explain the lock step marching of so many for so long? How else do you explain what you witness daily in this country alone?...

A big problem with America…

By on Apr 20, 2019

…0ur lawmakers are either idiots or they believe we are. You can skip the story if you like just look at the headline. If these clowns are shocked there really can be no other explanation than stated. These fools are either just that, fools, or they are playing us for one. It is hardly a wonder nothing gets done. These guys are either real idiots or bought and paid for corrupt criminals, either way, they should be replaced. The problem is the replacement is usually as bad or worse than the original because the entire system is corrupted from top to bottom. Our hope is that it is finally going to be fixed. House Republicans leave border tour shocked to learn immigrant children being recycled by smugglers by Anna Giaritelli  | April 19, 2019 08:54 PM YUMA, Ariz. — Congressional Republicans who toured part of the southern border this week saw firsthand the number of families and...

After the fact and desired outcome.

By on Apr 20, 2019

The principal in this story is either your typical communist, not too bright typical school administrator, a coward, a liar or, more likely a combination of all three. Equally as sad is the conclusion the reporter draws, “Who knows? Perhaps this is a sign of more open, honest debate to come.” What? If there was going to be open, honest debate it had to occur before celebrating AMERICA’S DAY. The reporter’s conclusion is almost as blind as the principal’s. Whether you give the principal the benefit of the doubt is not the point, the point is his original position was so wrong that his time as principal should be at an end regardless. And if the reporter believes NOW is the time for open, honest debate and that it will really happen than she is either naive or incapable and should also be dismissed. Principal apologizes for making girl cover up MAGA shirt...

This must be the Twilight Zone

By on Apr 13, 2019

As a follow up to my last post, I could not agree more with Lorie’s commentary. What is wrong with the people who think this is sane? Seriously, what is wrong with these democrats. Surely, any rational person can see this idea is lunacy, not based in reality. So, what then is the motivation for the support and promotion of such idiocy? If you seriously believe that a boy who says he is a girl is a girl than you are an idiot and should be no where near a wheel of power. If you don’t believe but still support it than you have an agenda that makes you more of a menace to society than those who are mere idiots. Speak up. Don’t be afraid. Confront the idiots and the evil. If you don’t you are no better than they are for your silence is tantamount to an endorsement of their agenda. Cowboy up.   Congress tries to force schools to make girls compete against...

If not mental disease then what?

By on Apr 12, 2019

I think what amazes me most about this whole “very sick men competing in women’s sports” thing is not the sickness of the men but the sickness of elected officials who are somehow able to convince themselves that even very sick men do not have an advantage over almost any women in the areas of strength and speed. I truly find it hard to believe that ANYONE could actually believe this but then I find it hard to believe that anyone could think it alright for a man to use a ladies bathroom because that man says he FEELS like a woman and is therefore more comfortable in the girls room and not believe there is something truly wrong with that man. That being said just what is the explanation for comments like these: “Many states have sexual orientation and gender identity nondiscrimination laws, and all of them still have women’s sports. Arguments about transgender athletes...