WALMART SHOOTER MANIFESTO Sat Aug 03 2019 22:31:51 ET The Inconvenient Truth About Me In general, I support the Christchurch shooter and his manifesto. This attack is a response to the Hispanic invasion of Texas. They are the instigator s, not me. I am simply defending my country from cultural and ethnic replacement brought on by an in vasion. Some people will think this statement is hypocritical because of the nearly complete ethnic and cultural destruction brought to the Native Americans by our European ancestors, but this just reinforces my point. The natives didn’t take the invasion of Europeans seriously, and now what’s lef t is just a shadow of what was. My motives for this attack are not at all personal. Actually the Hispan ic community was not my target before I read The Great Replacement. This manifesto will cover the po litical and economic reasons behind the attack, my gear,...