While I am sure some rino will come along down the road and muck it up if Rasmussen is wrong by even 50% right now the dems are finished. And believe me they know it. The desperation of those who would destroy America is palpable. I truly hope Bernie gets the dem nomination so come November we can drive a stake into the heart of the communists — at least for awhile.
Poll: Trump’s Support Among Black Voters Has Doubled Since Last Year
In November, two polls found that President Trump’s approval rating among black likely voters had reached 34%. An Emerson poll found that Trump has a 34.5% approval rating among black likely voters and a Rasmussen poll found that number was 34%.Both polls provide an obvious contradiction to the media narrative about President Trump appealing to “racists,” hence why neither got a second of airtime on CNN or MSNBC.
The latest data out from Rasmussen Reports has black support as high as 42% overall among likely voters, with 29% “strongly” approving. One year ago today, Rasmussen had Trump polling at 21% approval among black voters, meaning that support has doubled in the past year.

The customary standard disclaimer here is that the margin of error (specific to the likely black voters sub-sample) is +/- 11. However, even with black support for Trump as low as 31% (which is still incredibly high for any Republican president), Trump still poses a threat to his competition in November. Republicans garnering 20% of the black vote would make effectively impossible for Democrats to win presidential elections, assuming that current trends of support hold constant among other demographics.
Polling is already optimistic for President Trump’s re-election prospects. A poll released right before Christmas found Trump beating every single 2020 Democrat contender in a hypothetical head-to-head. So weak is the field of Democrats that even Hillary Clinton thinks she could scoop the nomination… and she could even be right. But just like the rest of them, she’d lose the race to Trump…again.