Dear Friends, Sorry to Announce a Genocide

By on Apr 22, 2023

It’s Really True: They Know they are Killing the Babies DR NAOMI WOLF MAY 29, 2022 I’ve been silent for some weeks. Forgive me. The truth is: I’ve been rendered almost speechless — or the literary equivalent of that — because recently I’ve had the unenviable task of trying to announce to the world that indeed, a genocide — or what I’ve called, clumsily but urgently, a “baby die-off” — is underway. The WarRoom/DailyClout Pfizer Documents Research Volunteers, a group of 3000 highly credentialled doctors, RNs, biostatisticians, medical fraud investigators, lab clinicians and research scientists, have been turning out report after report, as you may know, to tell the world what is in the 55,000 internal Pfizer documents which the FDA had asked a court to keep under wraps for 75 years. By court order, these documents were forcibly disclosed. And our experts are serving humanity by...

Feminism Killed Feminism

By on Apr 22, 2023

The transgender movement is the end result of feminism’s hatred of women. December 21, 2022 by Daniel Greenfield 48 Comments In an interview, J.K. Rowling, the children’s fantasy author under siege from transgender activists, bemoaned a “backlash” against feminism. “It would never have surprised me that there would be a massive backlash, but I wouldn’t have expected it to come from what I would have broadly seen as ‘my team’.” Like a lot of “gender critical feminists”, she misinterprets the transgender movement as a backlash against feminism, when it’s actually the culmination of feminism. No western movement hated women as much as feminism. Feminists were ruthlessly critical of women’s habits, their interests, preferences and desires. True feminism required publicly breaking with traditional roles and expressing public hostility for the women who chose to live...

Even Police who know what they are doing are still 14 minutes away.

By on Mar 30, 2023

Nashville Police have released the bodycam footage and it cannot be stressed enough how remarkable this response was. These men are absolute heroes.— Sara Gonzales (@SaraGonzalesTX) March 28, 2023 Makes Uvalde look worse and worse. Almost like it was intentional. Nashville Police have released the bodycam footage and it cannot be stressed enough how remarkable this response was. These men are absolute heroes.— Sara Gonzales (@SaraGonzalesTX) March 28, 2023...

It’s Time To Admit It: EVs Are EVIL

By on Mar 29, 2023

I & I Editorial Board March 2, 2023 56 comments We’ve had enough of the left’s guilt-tripping anyone who drives a gasoline-powered car. If anyone should be ashamed, it is those who are smugly plugging in their cars each night. They are the ones responsible for raping the planet, poisoning entire communities, enriching genocidal tyrants, and creating a massive hazmat problem while doing nothing to stop “climate change.” Does that sound harsh? Here’s one recent bit of evidence. A Bloomberg investigation found that the aluminum Ford is using to build its “eco-friendly” EV pickup comes from Brazil. “There, in the heart of the Amazon, rust-colored bauxite is being clawed from a mine that has long faced allegations of pollution and land appropriation,” it found. A class action lawsuit against the mining company accuses it of polluting the water, causing cancer, hair loss,...

Fantastic –

By on Mar 8, 2023

Are We Medicating Millions of ADHD Children without Scientific Justification? What if the scientific consensus is wrong? Robert W Malone MD, MS Mar 2 By: Yaakov Ophir As glasses help people focus their eyes to see,” medical experts from the American Academy of Pediatrics rule, “medications help children with ADHD focus their thoughts better and ignore distractions.” In their view, as well as in the view of multiple other expert consortiums, the most appropriate way to treat the “lifelong impairing condition” of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is by taking stimulant medications on a daily basis.  Although stimulants, as suggested by their name, are frequently abused for stimulating (potentially addictive) sensations of high energy, euphoria, and potency, they are often compared to harmless medical aids, such as eyeglasses or walking crutches. Numerous studies, we...