FRIDAY, SEP 09, 2022 – 02:20 PM For much of the past year (and certainly at the time, more than a year ago, when the so-called experts, central bankers and macrotourists were still yapping about “transitory inflation” and other things they were wrong about and do not understand), we were warning that at some point the Fed will realize that it is simply impossible to contain supply-driven inflation through stubborn rate hikes which instead would lead to a dire alternative – millions in mass layoffs and newly unemployed workers … 3 mass layoff announcements in the past 3 hours, meanwhile 12 hikes priced in through February.— zerohedge (@zerohedge) June 14, 2022 … and will revise its 2% inflation target higher, a move which will send every risk asset – from high-beta trash and meme stonks, to...