Israel: Vaccination provides ‘far less’ protection than previous Covid infection

By on Aug 20, 2021

DATED: AUGUST 8, 2021 BY SHARYL ATTKISSON  Israelis who were vaccinated were reportedly 6.72 times more likely to get infected after the shot than after natural infection According to reports from Israel: recovered Covid patients are “far less likely to become infected” than vaccinated people. That data comes from Israel’s Health Ministry regarding the country’s latest wave of the pandemic. Graphic by: SharylAttkisson.comSource: Israel Health Ministry The data reportedly shows: 7,700 new cases of Covid during wave starting in May 3,000+ (40%) were reported in people who had been vaccinated 72 (<1%) were reported in people previously infected According to reports, 835,792 Israelis are known to have recovered from Covid. So 72 reinfections amount to 0.0086% of people who were already infected with COVID. By contrast, Israelis who were vaccinated...

Posted on June 15, 2021

By on Aug 19, 2021

Charles Murray’s Facing Reality F. Roger Devlin, VDARE, June 14, 2021 Charles Murray’s just-published Facing Reality: Two Truths About Race in America is an elegantly brief (168 pages) essay devoted to summarizing the great mass of evidence for the existence and persistence of significant racial differences in two areas: 1) cognitive ability, aka intelligence, and 2) violent crime rates. Taken together, this evidence is irrefutable, and informed experts have pretty well given up contesting it.  In dramatic contrast, public debate has actually gone backward since Murray co-authored The Bell Curve: Intelligence and Class Structure in American Life in 1994. He hopes his politely rational arguments can change that — or that the Ruling Class will heed his warning about a white backlash. Too bad he’s wrong....

mRNA Tech Inventor Dr. Robert Malone: Easier for Delta to Kill ‘Vaccinated’ than Jab-Free People

By on Aug 18, 2021

By J.D. Rucker • Aug. 18, 2021 Those who take the Covid-19 “vaccines” are MORE susceptible to the Delta Variant and have a HIGHER risk of severe disease or even death. This information comes from Dr. Robert Malone, the inventor of the very mRNA technology used to transmit both the Pfizer and Moderna injections. Malone took to Twitter to post a thread that has shockingly not been taken down yet. Twitter has been censoring posts that speak ill of the “vaccines,” and a high-profile physician and researcher like Dr. Malone seems ripe for censorship. Perhaps they fear the “Streisand Effect” with this particular thread and are simply suppressing it on the back end. Here is his thread edited for format: I guess I need to say this again. Delta has an Ro of about 8, about 3x that of the Alpha (ref- CDC). With these leaky vaccines, if we were to have 100% vaccine uptake and...

Report Reveals Just How Much Biden Lied to Us on Afghanistan

By on Aug 17, 2021

The Department of Defense Office of Inspector General released its quarterly Operation Freedom’s Sentinel report to Congress on Tuesday, providing “background about events leading up to recent, significant and fast moving developments in Afghanistan.” The 98-page report reveals what the Pentagon knew about Afghan security forces’ capabilities and the threats posed by the Taliban and other terrorist groups in the country. What it shows is that the Biden administration knew that the events of the last few weeks were not only possible but were likely to take place. The report is peppered with DIA intelligence and media reporting that showed the Afghan forces couldn’t ward off Taliban aggression without U.S. and coalition support, yet the Biden administration responded with surprise as the Taliban took one provincial capital after another and last...

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By on Aug 17, 2021

Worth revisiting after the NY Times story saying intelligence agencies reached conclusions that Biden said here they didn't. Knives out.— Stephen L. Miller (@redsteeze) August 17, 2021