Google Keeps Suppressing the Shocking Interview of Dr. Robert Malone, Inventor of mRNA Vaccines. Here It Is.

By on Jun 22, 2021

Google Keeps Suppressing the Shocking Interview of Dr. Robert Malone, Inventor of mRNA Vaccines. Here It Is. STORY AT-A-GLANCE Dr. Robert Malone invented the mRNA and DNA vaccine core platform technology. He has grave concerns about the lack of transparency of side effects, censoring of discussion and the lack of informed consent that these bringFree SARS-CoV-2 spike protein is biologically active — contrary to initial assumptions — and causes severe problems. It is responsible for the most severe effects seen in COVID-19, such as bleeding disorders, blood clots throughout the body and heart problems. These are the same problems we now see in a staggering number of people who have received the COVID-19 “vaccine”The spike protein also has reproductive toxicity, and Pfizer’s biodistribution data show it accumulates in women’s ovaries. Data suggests the miscarriage rate among women who...

Libs are mentally ill…

By on Jun 15, 2021

I seriously doubt you will find any takers

Jan 6th Capitol Break in by whom?

By on Jun 15, 2021

Is EVERYONE in Washington DC compromised in some way? Blackmail, bribery, benefit or belief take your pick as it surely seems it is one or the other for, at least the heads, of every institution and agency and, what, almost every if not every, senator, congressmen, judge and now executive branch. What other possible explanation can there be for the massive hatred of Trump that would provoke not only Jan. 6, but the first and second inpeachments, the infection of the entire world with the Chinese flu and the outright theft of a presidential election?. If this is what 18 seconds shows what do the other 14,000 hours of video...

Camp of the Saints – brilliance

By on Jun 1, 2021

Chapter 51 = Will the word racism have any meaning for them at all? Even in my day the meaning has changed. What I always understood to be a simple expression of the races’ inability to get along together has become for my contemporaries—or most of them, I daresay—a war cry, a call to arms, a crime against humanity and the dignity of man. Chapter 40 –  The blacks had decided to take over the Café Odéon, and had proceeded to make life miserable for the whites who frequented it. Now, it’s a known fact that racism comes in two forms: that practiced by whites—heinous and inexcusable, whatever its motives—and that practiced by blacks—quite justified, whatever its excesses, since it’s merely the expression of a righteous revenge, and it’s up to the whites to be patient and understanding. There was even that time, in Paris, when an American “Black Power” leader came to the Cité...

I would love to see this dude debate Fauci…

By on May 31, 2021

World-Renowned Academic Physician Warns Against Vaccine Dr. Peter McCullough is an internist, cardiologist, epidemiologist, and Professor of Medicine at Texas A&M College of Medicine and he is warning against the Vaccine. Full 45-minute video is here… Board Certified Internist and CardiologistPresident Cardiorenal Society of AmericaEditor-in-Chief, Reviews in Cardiovascular MedicineEditor-in-Chief, Cardiorenal MedicineSenior Associate Editor, American Journal of...