If you think this insanity is not coming here you are as big a blind fool as the mask wearing cops blindly following orders.

By on Jan 5, 2021

Watch this video. Try not to puke. My question is always the same. I understand corrupt or blackmailed individuals at the top giving the orders but what I can never understand are the people carrying out those orders. Look at this video, there must be six cops there. I have always been a huge supporter of law enforcement but if this is all police have to do than I agree, defund the police. There were six people in a house in Gatineau, Canada. A neighbour snitched. Police went in, Gestapo style. Assaulting citizens. So, yeah. Every lockdown politician who made this monstrous world and then tries to sneak away to Florida or Hawaii? Fuck you. pic.twitter.com/9IwcgAvqiJ— Ezra Levant 🍁 (@ezralevant) January 2, 2021 A simple question, what possible reason can there be to break up a group of six people that have already been in the same room for more than 15 minutes and maskless at...

Facemask or die?

By on Jan 5, 2021

Truly a world of fools or despicable one worlders (which is the same thing). There is no third option. FACE MASKS: A 2020 TIMELINE, WHO’s U-TURN & STILL NO HIGH QUALITY EVIDENCE From January to December, this is a video timeline, taking you from “You don’t need to wear a mask” to “Wear a mask, or risk being fined”. Video also gives some clue as to why WHO did a U-turn on masks, and has key quotes from WHO documents, including the December update, that says there’s still no high quality evidence for the effectiveness of masks WHO 19 March 2020https://apps.who.int/iris/bitstream/handle/10665/331493/WHO-2019-nCoV-IPC_Masks-2020.2-eng.pdfsequence=14&isAllowed=y WHO 6 April 2020https://apps.who.int/iris/bitstream/handle/10665/331693/WHO-2019-nCov-IPC_Masks-2020.3-eng.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y WHO 5 June...

There are two very, very sick people in this article but the sickest by far is the ‘judge’.

By on Dec 31, 2020

Your Tax Dollars at Work: Man Convicted of Raping His Daughter Approved for Transgender Surgery By Tyler O’Neil Dec 29, 2020 Wisconsin Department of Corrections photo of Mark Campbell, a convicted rapist who victimized his own daughter. Earlier this month, a federal judge ruled that the Wisconsin Department of Corrections cannot deny transgender surgery to a man convicted of raping his 10-year-old daughter. The ruling also means Wisconsin will put the man in a women’s prison. U.S. District Judge James Peterson approved the request of Mark Allen Campbell, a 49-year-old Wisconsin man who identifies as female and goes by the name “Nicole Rose,” to undergo transgender surgery at taxpayer expense, the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel reported. Campbell has identified as female since 2013, when he first requested the operation. The Journal-Sentinel mentioned that Campbell began...

WTFU – President Trump tweeted out a video on Christmas eve that call out the Chinese Communist Party’s plan, which they are already executing, to take down America.

By on Dec 28, 2020

Is this the most important video tweeted by President Trump?

Incredible – just look at the eyes.

By on Dec 10, 2020

Michigan Democratic State Rep. Cynthia Johnson threatened @realDonaldTrump supporters in a Facebook live video Tuesday, saying it is a warning message to those who support the president.Read more here: https://t.co/QnUstXelby pic.twitter.com/cWIxH1hXL1— Henry Rodgers (@henryrodgersdc) December 9, 2020