Shocker: 96% of U.S. climate data is corrupted

By on Jun 12, 2023

JAZZ SHAW 8:31 AM on June 11, 2023 (-85 degrees Fahrenheit) This seems like an appropriate time for a story like this to pop up since it involves both smoke clouds and climate change. You probably heard how AOC was quick to blame the clouds of smoke wafting down from the Canadian wildfires last week on climate change. As you likely expected without even needing to check, that turns out to be nonsense. But the underlying facts that prove its nonsensical nature turn out to be well rooted in science. And researching this question turns up something even more interesting, which we’ll get to in a moment. You should check out the work of veteran meteorologist Anthony Watts of the Heartland Institute. He’s been studying the weather and the climate in general for a very long time. He travels around the country inspecting meteorological equipment and studies...

From the Directors of Died Suddenly’: Final Days’ Exposing the Scientific Technological Elite and their desire to become gods. The Covid pandemic was the test run for an even more sinister plot to come.

By on Jun 2, 2023

David Martin: Covid Is ‘Premeditated Domestic Terrorism’, an ‘Act of Biological & Chemical Warfare’

By on May 25, 2023

The Next Level – Flat Earth

By on May 2, 2023