Missing Malaysian Airlines Flight 370 – Free energy is No longer Science Fiction

By on May 4, 2024

Scientists were eliminated on flight, mh 370…. pic.twitter.com/N57DcOUfuc— Not A Number (@myhiddenvalue) August 12, 2024 Ashton Forbes Has a Theory About What Happened to Missing Malaysian Airlines Flight 370 This is quite remarkable but may go a long way in explaining why there seems to be such middle finger waving at the genral world population https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/best-of-the-program-guests-ashton-forbes-cliff-sims-5-3-24/id620967489?i=1000654456086 https://hackernoon.com/deciphering-digital-trails-ashton-forbes-on-the-new-mh370-internet-investigation https://twitter.com/i/communities/1713278321595760786 https://www.reddit.com/user/Additional_Ad3796/?ref=hackernoon.com&rdt=52797 Deciphering Digital Trails: Ashton Forbes on the new MH370 Internet Investigation In March 2014, the world watched in collective disbelief and growing concern as Malaysia...