Jan 6th Capitol Break in by whom?

By on Jun 15, 2021

Is EVERYONE in Washington DC compromised in some way? Blackmail, bribery, benefit or belief take your pick as it surely seems it is one or the other for, at least the heads, of every institution and agency and, what, almost every if not every, senator, congressmen, judge and now executive branch. What other possible explanation can there be for the massive hatred of Trump that would provoke not only Jan. 6, but the first and second inpeachments, the infection of the entire world with the Chinese flu and the outright theft of a presidential election?. If this is what 18 seconds shows what do the other 14,000 hours of video...

Camp of the Saints – brilliance

By on Jun 1, 2021

Chapter 51 = Will the word racism have any meaning for them at all? Even in my day the meaning has changed. What I always understood to be a simple expression of the races’ inability to get along together has become for my contemporaries—or most of them, I daresay—a war cry, a call to arms, a crime against humanity and the dignity of man. Chapter 40 –  The blacks had decided to take over the Café Odéon, and had proceeded to make life miserable for the whites who frequented it. Now, it’s a known fact that racism comes in two forms: that practiced by whites—heinous and inexcusable, whatever its motives—and that practiced by blacks—quite justified, whatever its excesses, since it’s merely the expression of a righteous revenge, and it’s up to the whites to be patient and understanding. There was even that time, in Paris, when an American “Black Power” leader came to the Cité...

I would love to see this dude debate Fauci…

By on May 31, 2021

World-Renowned Academic Physician Warns Against Vaccine Dr. Peter McCullough is an internist, cardiologist, epidemiologist, and Professor of Medicine at Texas A&M College of Medicine and he is warning against the Vaccine. Full 45-minute video is here… Board Certified Internist and CardiologistPresident Cardiorenal Society of AmericaEditor-in-Chief, Reviews in Cardiovascular MedicineEditor-in-Chief, Cardiorenal MedicineSenior Associate Editor, American Journal of...

How is it that the stupidest, most immoral, ignorant, virtueless, ignoble, despicable, unrighteous and down right EVIL people rise to positions of being able to impose their satanic will on the rest of us?

By on May 25, 2021

Female High School Track Star Says Competing Against Trans Athletes Is ‘Devastating’ SHARETWEET By Tré Goins-PhillipsEditorMay 24, 2021 For former Connecticut track star Chelsea Mitchell, competing against transgender athletes — biological males — was “devastating.” Mitchell opened up about her past experience in an editorial published Sunday in USA Today. She explained why she and three other athletes filed a lawsuit last yearagainst the Connecticut Interscholastic Athletic Conference over the state’s decision to allow transgender athletes to compete on the teams that correlate with their determined sex and gender identity. She expressed how crushing it was to lose “four women’s state championship titles, two all-New England awards, and numerous other spots on the podium to male runners.” “That’s a devastating experience,” Mitchell wrote of competing against...

“All Vaccinated People Will Die Within 2 Years.” – Nobel Laureate Luc Montagnier

By on May 24, 2021

HealthMay 231 / 127May 24 MrNiceModerator21d “All vaccinated people will die within 2 years.” -Nobel Laureate Luc Montagnier- Luc Montagnier has confirmed that there is no chance of survival for people who have received any form of the vaccine. In the shocking interview, the world’s leading virologist stated bluntly: “There is no hope and no possible treatment for those who have already been vaccinated. We must be prepared to cremate the bodies.” The scientific genius backed up the claims of other eminent virologists after studying the ingredients of the vaccine. “They will all die from antibody-dependent enhancement. That is all that can be said.” Video link here or below. 936 I looked into this video to first off to even see who he was…that test passed. He’s not really anyone special. Just discovered the human immunodeficiency virus also known as HIV. Montagnier...

EXCLUSIVE: Republican ‘Team Effort’ Killed Bill To Stop Child Transgender Surgeries, ‘Texas GOP Needs A Housecleaning’

By on May 19, 2021

“The Texas GOP needs a housecleaning next primary.”  byTOM PAPPERTMay 17, 2021 Former Texas Rep. Matt Rinaldi told National File that a group of Texas Republican legislators – reportedly acting on orders from Gov. Greg Abbott – worked together to kill a bill that would have effectively banned child transgender surgeries and chemical castrations in the state. Family activists in Texas are reeling after H.B. 1399, which would have stripped doctors of their ability to acquire liability insurance if they engaged in child transgender surgeries or chemical castrations at their practices, was almost certainly doomed by Texas Reps. Dustin Burrows and Jared Patterson, both on the Calendars Committee responsible for assigning the legislation a date for a full House vote. Burrows and Patterson scheduled the bill for last Wednesday after extreme pressure from activists, but placed...