From a Trump hater – wtfu

By on Jan 17, 2021

Cerno 13 Jan, Sanctimony is in infinite supply when judging others.There’s enough *collective* blame go around.Do we really want to have *that* conversation?If we did, I think most people of conscience would just feel … sort of sad.We are heading in a direction that doesn’t end well. I can show video after video of Democrats downplaying the summer riots. Between 30 and 60 people died.Businesses destroyed.The response is the Capitol is sacred.Here’s a Senate vote being delayed by protesters. SCOTUS being stormed.But still it doesn’t get through. There was no moral justification for the frame job of Kavanaugh.A...

Lockdowns Cause 10 Times More Damage Than Covid

By on Jan 16, 2021

Canadian Expert Confirms Revolver’s Finding That Lockdowns Cause 10 Times More Damage Than Covid January 15, 2021 (16h ago) 22 Back in August, Revolver News published a groundbreaking exclusive study that concluded that COVID-19 lockdowns are ten times more deadly than the pandemic itself (more details below). Now, a Canadian academic has published his own trailblazing study that confirms Revolver’s analysis. National File has some of the details: Dr. Ari Joffe, a specialist in pediatric infectious diseases at the Stollery Children’s Hospital in Edmonton, Canada, has authored a peer-reviewed paper that substantiates popular claims that lockdowns have consequences.He is also a Clinical Professor in the Department of Pediatrics at University of Alberta in Canada.Joffe has authored a peer-review academic paper titled COVID-19: Rethinking the Lockdown Groupthink that...

Cheating -Yup, So What? And now, if you say anything about it we will destroy you.

By on Jan 15, 2021

Here is proof, scientific and otherwise, by a very smart person that the cheating was indeed epic. What sort of country do we now live in where this is just allowed to happen and no one does a thing about it? Peter Navarro Publishes Third 2020 Election Report – Says “Trump Won” by AND Magazine Staff January 14, 2021 Peter Navarro, issues his third 2020 Election Report (called The Navarro Report) earlier today with the title “Yes, President Trump Won: The Case, Evidence, & Statistical Receipts.” Background and Intro Excerpts from the first two reports are below: Volume 1 of the Navarro Report, The Immaculate Deception, assessed the fairness and integrity of the 2020 Presidential Election by identifying and assessing six key dimensions of alleged election irregularities. These irregularities included: outright fraud, ballot mishandling, a wide range of process fouls, multiple...

This GAB is GREAT news.

By on Jan 15, 2021

GAB TO LAUNCH GAB PHONE – NO LONGER A REASON TO BUY APPLE OR GOOGLE DEVICE by CD Media StaffJanuary 10, 202141 35062 Share32 Please Follow us on Gab, Parler,Minds This story is developing, we will release more information as soon as we acquire it… UPDATE 1730 EST – Phone is a prototype, launch will happen shortly —————————————– The internet upstart Gab, which is threatening the entire big-tech ecosystem, just announced they are planning to launch a new Gab phone. The declaration caught the technology world by surprise, and comes at the exact moment Silicon Valley is tightening the screws on the American public, and the world for that matter. Former Silicon Valley entrepreneur Andrew Torba left the big-tech arena in 2016 to start Gab, a competitor to Twitter. We discussed the most recent big-tech and Deep State assault on the free flow of information from his platform...

When will the American people realize that the biggest threat to American freedom is not from without but from within its very own walls, where it has been prominently residing for the last 112 years…

By on Jan 11, 2021

The Origins of America’s Secret Police Cynthia Chung January 8, 2021 © Photo: “Know Thyself,Nothing to Excess,Surety Brings Ruin” – inscribed at the Temple of Apollo at Delphi Many are aware of the Apollo at Delphi inscription and associate it as words of wisdom, after all, the Temple at Delphi was at the center of global intelligence. Kings, emperors, statesmen, generals from all quarters of the ancient world would travel to the Temple with a very generous payment in gold in hopes that the wisdom of the great god Apollo would be bestowed on them and give strength and power to their particular cause. One of the most famous prophecies made by the Cult of Delphi, according to the ancient historian Herodotus, was to King Croesus of Lydia. King Croesus was a very rich king and the last bastion of the Ionian cities against the increasing Persian power in Anatolia. King Croesus...

By on Jan 8, 2021

The Definitive Case Proving Donald Trump Won the Election