This is a really good question.

By on Jan 8, 2021

Democrats say they didn’t cheat, so they shouldn’t be afraid of audits that would just humiliate Republicans If someone’s innocent, they wouldn’t be scared of an independent check that would exonerate them once and for all. To help heal a fractured America, let’s have a bipartisan approach on this, so both sides can see the truth. The problem we currently have in the US is that Americans still believe that governmental institutions and politicians serve them and that someone “up there” will fix it for them so they can get back to their normal lives… hence, President Donald Trump’s election situation. Trump can’t do what it takes to fix the system alone, however, it would take many millions of people taking back their country, starting in the home, repenting and returning to Christ and their faith,...

Summary of Fraud & Obstruction

By on Jan 7, 2021

The Definitive Case Proving Donald Trump Won the Election November 25, 2020

By on Jan 7, 2021

Just explain WHY they stopped counting the vote ONLY in the states that made the difference. If Joe Biden taking the lead in Michigan and Wisconsin was the moment the dynamic of the Presidential race changed, this may be the moment the dynamic changes again. A thorough and damning new analysis just published calls the legitimacy of this critical period into question and shows just how completely ridiculous and far-fetched the core of Joe Biden’s comeback really was in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Georgia. It flags four individual vote dumps critical to Joe Biden’s “victory” in these states and shows, convincingly, that their ratios of Biden votes to Trump votes were profoundly anomalous when compared to other dumps in those states and virtually every other vote dump across the country. The report is written in dry and academic language, filled with graphs, footnotes, and various hedges,...

In Cold Blood? No?

By on Jan 7, 2021

Trump Supporter Gets Shot And Murdered The US State Capitol! #BREAKING #dcshooting #killing #CapitolBuilding #capitolbreach— Jayden X (@thejaydenxander) January 7,...

If you think this insanity is not coming here you are as big a blind fool as the mask wearing cops blindly following orders.

By on Jan 5, 2021

Watch this video. Try not to puke. My question is always the same. I understand corrupt or blackmailed individuals at the top giving the orders but what I can never understand are the people carrying out those orders. Look at this video, there must be six cops there. I have always been a huge supporter of law enforcement but if this is all police have to do than I agree, defund the police. There were six people in a house in Gatineau, Canada. A neighbour snitched. Police went in, Gestapo style. Assaulting citizens. So, yeah. Every lockdown politician who made this monstrous world and then tries to sneak away to Florida or Hawaii? Fuck you.— Ezra Levant 🍁 (@ezralevant) January 2, 2021 A simple question, what possible reason can there be to break up a group of six people that have already been in the same room for more than 15 minutes and maskless at...

Facemask or die?

By on Jan 5, 2021

Truly a world of fools or despicable one worlders (which is the same thing). There is no third option. FACE MASKS: A 2020 TIMELINE, WHO’s U-TURN & STILL NO HIGH QUALITY EVIDENCE From January to December, this is a video timeline, taking you from “You don’t need to wear a mask” to “Wear a mask, or risk being fined”. Video also gives some clue as to why WHO did a U-turn on masks, and has key quotes from WHO documents, including the December update, that says there’s still no high quality evidence for the effectiveness of masks WHO 19 March 2020 WHO 6 April 2020 WHO 5 June...