What type of person votes FOR infanticide? Obviously every democrat senator in the US Senate. How long is this going to go on? How long are we going to support Planned Parenthood with out tax dollars? How do they get $80 million from the coronavirus debacle? Under Sworn Testimony, Planned Parenthood Officials Admit Infanticide Occurs In Organ Harvesting June 30, 2020 By Madeline Osburn In a new video released by the Center for Medical Progress (CMP), Planned Parenthood and abortion industry officials give sworn testimony describing how babies born alive with beating hearts in their facilities are then harvested for organs. Since CMP’s first undercover videos, filmed by journalist and activist David Daleiden, were released in 2015, Planned Parenthood has denied that its facilities sold fetal body parts from abortions, and that their fetal tissue research programs and late-term abortion...