The Essential Revolver News January 6 Reading List

By on Jun 2, 2023

Read Part One Here… On January 6th, the Regime media, and even much of the Republican Party, immediately declared the Capitol riots an “armed insurrection,” an assault on democracy, and the worst day for the republic since Pearl Harbor or even the Civil War. For months, Revolver has been doing the investigative work that America’s hundreds of other news outlets are too corrupt or too cowardly to perform themselves. We have watched the tape, read the indictments, dissected the news reports, and punctured the narratives. Experience Revolver without ads HIDE ADS NOW Most notably, Revolver’s reporting changed the entire national narrative on 1/6 by focusing on evidence of foreknowledge and active instigation on 1/6 by elements of the federal government itself. It is this dark revelation that has generated howls of hysterical denunciation across the broad spectrum...

The Absurdities of Our Age

By on May 22, 2023

What cannot go on, will not go on and all the absurdities of the present will end with a bang not a whimper.  By Victor Davis Hanson May 21, 2023 Asign of a civilization in headlong decline is its embrace of absurdities. Unfortunately for the United States, we are witnessing an epidemic of nihilist nonsense. Here are a few examples:   Reparations   How could a dysfunctional state like California even contemplate $800 billion in reparations?  The state currently faces a $31 billion annual deficit—and it’s climbing. Its $100 billion high-speed rail project is inert, a veritable Stonehenge of concrete monoliths with a foot of track.   California’s income tax rates are already the highest in the nation. Its sales taxes, electricity rates, and gas taxes and prices are among the steepest in the country. And for what?  Crime, homelessness, and...

When is Enough Going to be Enough ?

By on May 20, 2023

Energy is always the key and the people are always played for the fools we are.

By on May 18, 2023

April Home Prices Reflect Largest Year-Over-Year Drop in Decade, April Prices Drop 1.7%, Decline 23.2% from Prior Year May 18, 2023 | Sundance | 54 Comments Homeowner equity is being erased. As higher interest rates continue to put pressure on borrowers, the ability of the average person to afford a mortgage diminishes.  Higher mortgage rates lead to downward pressure on residential home values as fewer borrowers can afford higher payments.  Simultaneously, commercial real estate is dropping in value as vacancies continue increasing. Put both of these issues together and already tenuous banks holding mortgage bonds as assets can become more unstable. This dynamic creates the continual tremors in the background of an economy already suffering from high inflation and low consumer purchasing of durable goods. A perfect storm starts to realize. (Wall Street...

Here is the Democrat playbook for stealing elections…

By on Apr 23, 2023

*No government-issued Voter (or photo) ID. Did you know we are the only major nation in the world without government issued Voter ID? Did you know all the other nations acknowledge that Voter ID is necessary to prevent widespread voter fraud? Did you know that Mexico requires government issued Photo ID plus a thumbprint? Did you know U.S. territory Puerto Rico requires government issued Photo ID plus thumbprint to vote? Yet in America its “racist” (says Democrat frauds) to ask for the same thing required in a U.S. territory. *Mail-in ballots handed to everyone (in many states mass mailed to voters without even asking), without Voter ID. Did you know we are the only major nation in the world to allow mail-in ballots? Did you know all the other nations acknowledge publicly that mail-in ballots are a recipe for massive voter fraud? Did you know even ultra-woke Starbucks demands in-person...

Dear Friends, Sorry to Announce a Genocide

By on Apr 22, 2023

It’s Really True: They Know they are Killing the Babies DR NAOMI WOLF MAY 29, 2022 I’ve been silent for some weeks. Forgive me. The truth is: I’ve been rendered almost speechless — or the literary equivalent of that — because recently I’ve had the unenviable task of trying to announce to the world that indeed, a genocide — or what I’ve called, clumsily but urgently, a “baby die-off” — is underway. The WarRoom/DailyClout Pfizer Documents Research Volunteers, a group of 3000 highly credentialled doctors, RNs, biostatisticians, medical fraud investigators, lab clinicians and research scientists, have been turning out report after report, as you may know, to tell the world what is in the 55,000 internal Pfizer documents which the FDA had asked a court to keep under wraps for 75 years. By court order, these documents were forcibly disclosed. And our experts are serving humanity by...