What cannot go on, will not go on and all the absurdities of the present will end with a bang not a whimper. By Victor Davis Hanson May 21, 2023 Asign of a civilization in headlong decline is its embrace of absurdities. Unfortunately for the United States, we are witnessing an epidemic of nihilist nonsense. Here are a few examples: Reparations How could a dysfunctional state like California even contemplate $800 billion in reparations? The state currently faces a $31 billion annual deficit—and it’s climbing. Its $100 billion high-speed rail project is inert, a veritable Stonehenge of concrete monoliths with a foot of track. California’s income tax rates are already the highest in the nation. Its sales taxes, electricity rates, and gas taxes and prices are among the steepest in the country. And for what? Crime, homelessness, and...