Just another piece of democrat crap – farkas, liar and traitor

By on May 19, 2020

Obama Staffer Scrambles To Salvage Reputation After Trump-Russia Lies Exposed, Implies Zero Hedge A “Disinformation Clearinghouse” by Tyler Durden Mon, 05/18/2020 – 13:46 Atlantic Council senior fellow, Congressional candidate, and Russia conspiracy theorist Evelyn Farkas is desperately trying to salvage her reputation after recently released transcripts from her closed-door 2017 testimony to the House Intelligence Committee revealed she totally lied on national TV. In March of 2017, Farkas confidently told MSNBC‘s Mika Brzezinski: “The Trump folks, if they found out how we knew what we knew about the Trump staff dealing with Russians, that they would try to compromise those sources and methods, meaning we would not longer have access to that intelligence.” Except, during testimony to the House, Farkas admitted she lied. When pressed by former Rep....

Is everything BS except for what fauci, google, facebook and twitter say? It might be time to THINK or

By on May 18, 2020

at least ask yourself the very good question asked here, “Why is it that only one side is scared of the information of the other side?.” And let me add another, What is it these folks have to gain with their push for a vaccine and their disease detectives tracking and tracing everyone like the Stasi if not the death of billions? Answer the second question and you have the answer to the first. Horowitz: We have been lied to: 6 facts that change everything we know about SARS-CoV-2 Daniel Horowitz · May 18, 2020 James Madison once said, “A popular Government, without popular information, or the means of acquiring it, is but a Prologue to a Farce or a Tragedy; or, perhaps both.” The coronavirus fascists have succeeded in cementing their illogical, immoral, and illegal policies through the prism of false information about the timing of the virus, the specific nature and severity...

Will America EVER wake up to government UN-EDUCATION?

By on May 18, 2020

The Myth That Americans Were Poorly Educated Before Mass Government Schooling Early America had widespread literacy and a vibrant culture of learning By Lawrence W. Reed May 13, 2020 Updated: May 13, 2020 Parents the world over are dealing with massive adjustments in their children’s education that they could not have anticipated just three months ago. To one degree or another, pandemic-induced school closures are creating the “mass homeschooling” that FEE’s senior education fellow Kerry McDonald predicted two months ago. Who knows, with millions of youngsters absent from government school classrooms, maybe education will become as good as it was before the government ever got involved. “What?” you exclaim! “Wasn’t education lousy or nonexistent before government mandated it, provided it, and subsidized it? That’s what my government schoolteachers assured me, so it must be true.” The...

Is Dr. Judy Mikovits ALL BS? History is written by the winners.

By on May 13, 2020

Dr. Fauci Ex-Employee Tells All; Decades Of Scamming And Crimes  

You just have to wonder what the truth is. Not about these stories but about the real story of the virus.

By on May 13, 2020

STAGGERING: Nursing Home Residents Account for a Whopping 43.4% of COVID-19 Deaths, Even Though They’re Less Than 1% of the U.S. Population By Matt Margolis May 09, 2020 German Autopsy Study Finds EVERY Coronavirus Victim had Previous Illness — All Had Cancer, Lung Disease, Were Heavy Smokers or Morbidly Obese By Jim Hoft Published May 11, 2020 at...

How does this not make cuomo a murderer?

By on May 13, 2020

I can guarantee if this took place under a republican governor that is all we would hear. NBC Calls Out Gov. Cuomo for Forcing COVID Patients into Nursing Homes By Nicholas Fondacaro | May 11, 2020 9:15 PM EDT Denouncing it as “a path to disaster,” investigative correspondent Cynthia McFadden’s Monday report for NBC Nightly News called out Democratic New York Governor Andrew Cuomo for forcing nursing homes in his state to take in coronavirus-positive patients just out of the hospital. On top of that, she pointed out how he had refused to give those facilities personal protective equipment (PPE). Amidst all of this, ABC and CBS still refused to criticize their governor and bashed President Trump. The segment was set up to laud and push the model being rolled out in Connecticut by Democratic Governor Ned Lamont. “Connecticut has made a bold move and we got a first look….An all...