A good list to start with.

By on Apr 30, 2020

  Here are a few of the many consequential differences between all previous recessions and the current situation: 1. Households have never been so dependent on debt as a substitute for stagnating wages. 2. Real earnings (adjusted for inflation) have never been so stagnant for the bottom 90% for so long. 3. Corporations have never been so dependent on debt (selling bonds or taking on loans) to fund money-losing operations (see Netflix) or stock buybacks designed to saddle the company with debt service expenses to enrich insiders. 4. The stock market has never been so dependent on what amounts to fraud–stock buybacks–to push valuations higher. 5. The economy has never been so dependent on absurdly overvalued stock valuations to prop up pension funds and the spending of the top 10% who own 85% of all stocks, i.e. “the wealth effect.” 6. The economy and the...

Where are we living? Even seeing the videos this is hard to believe.

By on Apr 29, 2020

Where are we living? The frightening part is that rather than use their own brains the police would likely tell you they were “DOING THEIR JOB”. How preposterous and one of the real danger signals in this country. Police that don’t realize they are citizens, neighbors, mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, first. Enforcing laws without thought is frightening. If this is all the police in Wisconsin have to do they have too many police in Wisconsin. Imagine getting a call from some busybody that a child had gone to play with her friend at the neighbors and rather than say what business is that of yours you show up and do this: Caught On Video: A pair of Wisconsin police officers on a crazed power trip show up at a woman’s home because she “violated a state order” by allowing her daughter to play at a neighbor’s house . April 27th, 2020 WATCH: Police Force 93-Year-Old,...

The severely mentally ill of Maryland.

By on Apr 29, 2020

You really have to wonder what type of people continually vote for people who have demonstrated nothing but hatred for the people they supposedly serve. When you think about it seriouslsy it is actually frightening the level of shear stupidity exampled in places like this. Democrat Kweisi Mfume Wins Special Election in Maryland, Replaces Elijah Cummings By Mimi Nguyen Ly April 29, 2020 Updated: April 29, 2020 Democrat Kweisi Mfume won a special congressional election in Maryland on Tuesday and will replace the late Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-Md.) for the rest of his term in the state’s 7th district. Cummings, who chaired the House Oversight Committee, died at 68 in October 2019. His office told news outlets that he died due to “complications concerning longstanding health challenges.” Following Cummings’s death, over 30 people—including some two dozen Democrats—announced bids for the seat...

Other than evil what possible interest could the US have is seeing muslims elected?

By on Apr 29, 2020

Be that evil genocide or corruption I see no reason for the US to be involved in Nigeria and when that involvement results in the murder of Christians by muslims for the crime of not being muslim I can only see the hand of the power of the air who so clearly controls the pieces of human waste from the US identified in this article. The ‘Evil Called Barack Obama’ and the Genocidal Slaughter of Nigerian Christians New allegations concerning the “sheer wickedness” of Obama, Kerry, and Clinton. Wed Apr 29, 2020 Raymond Ibrahim Raymond Ibrahim is a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center. Not only is Nigerian president Muhammadu Buhari behind what several international observers are calling a “genocide” of Christians in his nation—but Barack Hussein Obama played a major role in the Muslim president’s rise to power: these two interconnected accusations are...

Governors of NY, NJ and CA murdering their elderly. WHY?

By on Apr 27, 2020

If this isn’t intentional WHAT IS IT? “Cuomo has blood on his hands. He really does. There’s no way to sugarcoat this,” the executive told the Post. “Why in the world would you be sending coronavirus patients to a nursing home, where the most vulnerable population to this disease resides?” https://www.dailywire.com/news/three-hardest-hit-democrat-run-states-force-nursing-homes-to-accept-recovering-covid-patients-face-backlash?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=benshapiro What I don’t understand is why don’t people just say NO. No, governor ahole we are not going to accept these people and endanger those we have accepted RESPONSIBILITY for. So come and arrest us but make sure you bring FOX news with you when you come. Seems simple to me. Why are people so afraid to say, “what are you a freaking idiot?” I hope they sue the crap out of...

C’mon. Next time the irs questions one of your expenses show them this.

By on Apr 27, 2020