If you have inside information and you act on it does that make you evil or smart? If you allow those with inside information to take your money does that make you stupid or a sucker? WSJ: Jeff Bezos Sold $3.4 Billion in Amazon Stock as Coronavirus Hit USA Lucas Nolan 24 Mar 20209 A recent analysis by the Wall Street Journal shows that top executives in the United States sold a total of roughly $9.2 billion worth of stock between the start of February and the end of last week, saving the executives a potential loss of $1.9 billion. Jeff Bezos sold three percent of his Amazon holdings, worth $3.4 billion, at the beginning of February. In an article titled “Bezos, Other Corporate Executives Sold Shares Just in Time,” the Wall Street Journal outlines how executives at top U.S.-traded companies sold a total of around $9.2 billion in shares of their own companies between the start of...