Good golly. What is it going to take? Another clinton “suicide”?

By on Jan 23, 2020

Clinton Funneled Billions of Tax Dollars from State Dept. to Clinton Foundation and Cronies High-ranking FBI officials are spilling the beans on a massive cover up involving Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, the State Department and a scheme that steered untold billions of tax dollars to the Clinton Foundation and Clinton associates. Thomas Paine broke the story on his Patreon show on Tuesday night as well as his new Podcast. And the Justice Department is implicated too. Not to mention the disturbing implications surrounding the mysterious death of the FBI’s top financial crimes investigator who was privy to the details of the scheme while leading the Bureau’s investigation of the Clinton Foundation. Even by Washington D.C. standards, criminal conspiracies do not get any deeper than this newly-minted Clinton-linked scandal. And the stakes here are as large as the corruption. Billions of...

Oh, come on….

By on Jan 23, 2020

#BREAKINGLaura Ingraham investigation: Emails expose what Obama admin knew about Bidens and BurismaHuge meeting with Ukrainian held at Obama White House!#msnbc #foxandfriends #maga #QAnon #morningJoe #CNN @kasie @FDRLST @wmalDC #WBZ #Bernie2020 — Joe Zollo (@jaazee1) January 23,...

The new Billy Graham?

By on Jan 23, 2020

Certainly something to think about for say what you will about the theological understanding of the article’s author, the performer and the performer’s pastor it is for certain SOMETHING is happening. If You Believe in the Gospel of Jesus Christ, You Need to Know What Kanye West is Doing Posted at 5:15 pm on January 22, 2020 by Alex Parker Superstar rapper Kanye West continues his mission to share the Gospel of Jesus to the world. West is using his celebrity to influence the masses, and Sunday, he preached to 12,000 students. At the Scott Dawson Evangelistic Association’s Strength to Stand Conference in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee, he told the audience that the Son of God saved him from the grip of evil: “I believe Jesus died for my sins. There was a time when the devil had me. Do you know the good news? Jesus can save a wretch like me. I stretch my hands to you/Father I...

Quite remarkable and coming to America soon as it is already on our college campuses.

By on Jan 22, 2020

Whether what Renaud Camus said is true or not is not really the point. The fact that he cannot say it, that you can go to jail and be fined for expressing an opinion, that, and not the muslims,  should frighten the French, and all the rest of us, to death. French Intellectual Sentenced To 2 Months Jail After Calling Mass Immigration An “Invasion” by Tyler Durden Wed, 01/22/2020 – 05:00 Authored by Paul Joseph Watson via Summit News, French intellectual Renaud Camus has been given a 2 month suspended prison sentence for saying that mass immigration into Europe represents an “invasion.” Camus will only avoid jail by paying 1800 euros to two “anti-racist” organizations, SOS Racisme and the LICRA (International League against Racism and Anti-Semitism). The writer, who is the author of Le Grand Remplacement (The Great Replacement), was charged with “public incitement to...

With all the outright theft it is hardly a wonder why Washington NEVER has enough money.

By on Jan 21, 2020

I don’t know how this stuff does not INFURIATE EVERYONE. Instead, this will go the way of all the other corruption and theft of the American worker’s time and money. Nothing will come of it and so it goes right into our newest category – AnD sO wHaT?  So what that these people are STEALING millions and millions and millions while two bit car thieves are getting life sentences. And while we are ‘so whatting’ have you considered the fact that many, many, many of the people running their mouths and involved in this “impeachment” ARE THE SAME PEOPLE WHO WERE INVOLVED in the cLINTON impeachment? And even forgetting the hypocrisy they now exhibit the question that should REALLY PISS people off is WHY ARE THESE SAME PEOPLE STILL IN WASHINGTON? These people are very far from the best this country has to offer. In fact, many are the worst this country...

It is hard to comprehend this level of stupidity.

By on Jan 21, 2020

You talk about a bastion of idiocy. I wonder how many Native American liz warrens they can hire with $135 MILLION just for recruiting? We don’t want the most qualified we want the queerest and the most color diverse faculty because that is the student body we strive to attract and we want them to feel at home. We don’t really care if they learn anything we just care that they are not triggered while in attendance. I can’t imagine how many fraudulent applications they now receive from incoming freshman claiming to be transexual Inuits identifying as homosexual lesbian men. Not to worry though as this great institution of learning is searching for faculty to make them not feel alone. Yale is spending $135 million on one diversity initiative. How much is it spending university-wide? Addison Smith – Liberty University •January 21, 2020 Nobody can apparently sayYale...