Gay man killed for protesting transvestite story hour. A couple of questions.

By on Jan 20, 2020

This is indeed a tragedy that deserves some investigation but it raises some questions about the world we live in just in general. Question one – Why are the news media and the public education system and governments seemingly everywhere in the world so pro lgbt? And question two – What is with this whole transvestite reading hour nonsense where abnormal people are paid with our tax dollars to read perverse “literature” to our elementary school children? While the questions are certainly related the second really, really BEGS and answer. However, if you look at the statement the mother of one of the little children gave maybe we already have the answer. Why Is Western Media Not Questioning the Mysterious Death of Australian Youth Activist Wilson Gavin? Robert Bridge January 18, 2020 Following a protest against a ‘drag queen story time’ at a library in Australia,...

Well, what do you know, false flag actors wanted in Virginia.

By on Jan 19, 2020

Virginia: Crisis “Actors” Sought Ahead Of Northam’s Lobby Day Trap Written by: Tim Brown Published on: January 17, 2020 Without fail, as you look back at the false flag shootings in America or other mass shootings, there are scheduled “mass shooting training” that takes place either just prior to or on the very day of the attack.  Additionally, many reports have documented where government has sought “crisis actors” in what it calls “training” ahead of these very attacks.  With Lobby Day just days away in Virginia on Monday, January 20, Virginia is now seeking “actors” for an “ongoing live roleplaying project.” First, the setup. Governor Ralph Northam has issued an illegal state of emergency claiming the militia will storm the capitol, something that has zero evidence. 2A Group & Virginia Citizens Defense League File Emergency Injunction Against Governor: “Governor’s Action Is...

Absolutely PRECIOUS

By on Jan 19, 2020

OMG! Best Comical Take-Down of Pelosi Democrats EVER!! 'Conservative Momma' Destroys Unhinged Trump-Hating Lunatics (VIDEO) @conmomma @JackPosobiec @Cernovich @RealDonaldTrump via @gatewaypundit — Jim Hoft (@gatewaypundit) January 17,...

How long do we stand for this? How do they get re-elected?

By on Jan 18, 2020

What possible explanation  can be offered that is even remotely believable? If you are releasing CRIMINALS, RAPISTS and MURDERERS back onto the street for the simple reason that they are in this country illegally (already a crime) what are sane people supposed to make of your motives? Compassion just doesn’t hold water since there seems very little compassion for the victims. So, if it is not out of a caring heart then it must be out of a selfish heart and what would communists hope to gain from endangering their own citizens? ICE: New York City has declined 7,526 ‘detainers,’ murderers let go by Paul Bedard  | January 17, 2020 12:24 PM Still stunned that New York police released an illegal immigrant sought by ICE who then went on to allegedly rape and murder a 92-year-old woman, federal officials Friday ripped the city’s “sanctuary” status and asked political leaders to join...

Jeffress says it all but why isn’t the first part news?

By on Jan 18, 2020

As I have been saying forever, how can any believer EVER vote for democrat so Jeffress is certainly right in his concluding remark about the disgrace that is planned parenthood but why isn’t his first remark even in the news? What is reprint below had to be searched for. Since this is really big news and likely capable of changing America I would think it would be the number one news story but it cannot be found. Really tells you all you need to know about whose team the msm is on and whose team the Donald is on. As an aside, you really have to wonder where teachers like those cited as examples in the story come from and just what is it they are trying to “teach”?   America’s Right to Pray. @robertjeffress praises @realDonaldTrump’s courageousness in helping to preserve religious liberty. #AmericaFirst #MAGA #Dobbs — Lou Dobbs...

Just what the heck is he doing? Pervert Joe and you say no?

By on Jan 18, 2020

There are dozens of clips like this but this one is especially condemning. If your uncle did this to your little six year old daughter you would be calling the cops. What’s Joe Biden do when the cameras are off??? — benny 🇺🇸 (@1776benny) March 30, 2019