There simply is no cure for stupid

By on Mar 15, 2017

I would be embarrassed if this were my representative and the people of Houston should be embarrassed as well. The only points this poor woman makes are that she prefers the murder of children to adoption, she doesn’t understand how reproduction works and she is not afraid of making a fool of herself. This is another that is quite incredible proving once again how insane the left is. There really is no cure for stupid. Texas lawmaker Jessica Farrar wants men fined for masturbating By Flora Drury BBC News 13 March 2017 A female politician in Texas is taking an unusual swipe at what she sees as restrictive abortion laws by targeting men – more precisely male masturbation. Her unlikely draft law has a simple aim, she says – to protect unborn children everywhere. Which is why it wants all “emissions outside of a woman’s vagina, or created outside of a health...

Proverbs 29:12

By on Mar 15, 2017

All the wisdom of the world is contained in the bible, all one need do is look for it and believe. Proverbs 29:12 is translated, “If a ruler pays attention to lies, All his servants become wicked”, in the New King James version but the Hebrew is a statement of fact that the Contemporary English Version translates, “A ruler who listens to lies will have corrupt officials.” Our modern English vernacular might be, A fish stinks from the head down, but the question remains which, which comes first, the telling of lies or the hearing of lies? On the micro level this is everyone, everyone wants to be the ruler of their own life and be told what they want to hear (as Churchill’s quote below so accurately captures) and it rarely is the truth but because the world will not play along with your delusions you either grow up or become a college professor. It is on the...

Puke is the very definition of the msm.

By on Mar 15, 2017

MSNBC’s “Tax Records” Non-Story: Trump Made $150MM, Paid 25% Tax Rate, More Than Romney, Bernie While Rachel Maddow drones on and on with the coherence of Janet Yellen, losing thousands of viewers by the minute, the MSNBC anchor was promptly scooped by the Daily Beast which reported that its contributor David Cay Johnston had obtained the first two pages of Trump’s 2005 federal income tax return, allegedly receiving them in the mail, and posted his “analysts” on his website, According to the documents, Trump and his wife Melania paid $38 million in total income tax, consisting of $5.3 million in regular federal income tax, and an additional $31 million of “alternative minimum tax,” or AMT. The White House statement confirmed the finding:  “Before being elected President, Mr. Trump was one of the most successful businessmen in the world with a...

This is not mental illness or just plain evil?

By on Mar 15, 2017

This is really, really sick. We should not let this woman anywhere near a pen and paper. Los Angeles Times writer Cathleen Decker has become a laughing stock online following a rant in which she warns that GOPcare will result in many births. Decker – a very outspoken liberal – began tweeting her words of warning on Twitter a couple hours ago. Here’s the second-to-last tweet from the rant. GOPcare’s ban on Planned Parenthood would result in loss of healthcare to many in rural/low income areas; thousands of births would result. — Cathleen Decker (@cathleendecker) March 13, 2017 In that tweet, Decker appears to be referencing the GOP’s proposed defunding of Planned Parenthood for one year. Advocates for Planned Parenthood have warned that such a move would reduce access to “services that help women avert pregnancies,” despite Planned Parenthood’s repeated insistence that tax...

Hardly a wonder no one believes the media

By on Mar 10, 2017

For eight years we were told there was no recession, the economy was doing as well as could be expected, unemployment was way down, the Fed was doing a great job, it doesn’t matter that 95 million people are not looking for a job, and it was all do to the wonderful job the President was doing. As some of us said all along and as today’s headlines attest, that was all a bunch of horse manure. Funny thing is, our new President hasn’t really had a chance to do anything that would really have an impact so we are left with the only thing that makes sense as an explanation – IDEOLOGY. Both the left and right ideologies are on grand display and what is even more on display, and I am sure very disconcerting to the liars (or ignorant fools) in the media, is that this is a conservative country that has been waiting 8 years for the nanny (I would say communist) state to...