All you unemployed college grads and entry level, summer job seeking, unskilled labor force city democrats say Thank You to the genius progressives who are so economically illiterate and impervious to facts that they will not be happy until never. McDonalds Is Replacing 2,500 Human Cashiers With Digital Kiosks: Here Is Its Math The stock market is luvin’ McDonalds stock, which has continued its recent relentless rise to all time highs, up 26% YTD, oblivious to the carnage among the broader restaurant and fast-food sector. There is a reason for Wall Street’s euphoria: the same one we discussed in January in “Dear Bernie, Meet the “Big Mac ATM” That Will Replace All Of Your $15 Per Hour Fast Food Workers.” In a report released this week by Cowen’s Andrew Charles, the analyst calculates the jump in sales as a result of the company’s new...