There really isn’t much you can say about this. Don’t know who Michelle is and really don’t care how many people responded to her poll because the numbers are irrelevant to how accurately if depicts what the left has become. This is simply insane. TV Poll: 71% Of Liberals Don’t Want Peace With North Korea Because Trump Would Take Credit Fri, 06/15/2018 – 10:51 Via Paul Joseph Watson, A snap survey on Michelle Wolf’s show proof left wants to see America fail… A live TV poll taken on Michelle Wolf’s Netflix show found that 71% of the comedian’s liberal audience would rather peace with North Korea fail than see Donald Trump take credit for it. The audience was asked, “Are you sort of hoping we don’t get peace with North Korea so you wouldn’t have to give Trump credit?” Only 29% said they wanted peace with North Korea given the option. Video: 71% of...