How many American lives is it going to take?

By on Dec 7, 2019

Clearly, human lives are as meaningless today as they have ever been. But not to worry, the Saudi king is very sorry. And the Saudi king can rest easy that things will remain the same as they are since we will never know the truth of what happened here since the investigation is being handled by the Fixing Bureau of Investigation. Lets see, 3 other Saudis are FILMING the murders and we are to believe what about that, they were innocent bystanders filming the landscape? How many non-Saudis were filming ANYTHING at the time? Let’s see, the murderer tweets right before the murders that he HATES Americans because America supports Israel invading muslim countries (just where is that happening? When has that ever happened?) and three Saudis are filming it and we have to wait to determine if this was a “terrorist” act? Let’s see, we can all go back to not being...

Seems I am not the only one asking, “Where are the adults?”

By on Dec 5, 2019

According to this video thinking and acting like children is the new norm. The problem I have is it also seems to be the old norm. ENJOY…

Never Trumper cornyn – worse than ever.

By on Dec 5, 2019

Lest you ever forget which team cornyn plays for. We Warned You: McConnell Making Moves Against Trump, to Protect the Swamp – Sends His Praetorian Guard to Tell Trump No Matter How Weak the Evidence, We Are Going to Put You on Trial HJIC Published on November 15, 2019 Opinion| Lawrence David| It’s not an accident of fate that Mitch McConnell is the Senate Majority Leader just as Chuck Schumer didn’t ascend to the leadership of Senate Democrats because of his charming personality and negotiating ability. Both McConnell and Schumer are brothers in arms, committed to the preservation of the established order – a.k.a. the Swamp. You’ll remember that McConnell opposed Donald Trump’s candidacy until the time it became 100% politically untenable to continue to do so.  He has done little to advance the Trump agenda. This was after he worked with then-Speaker John Boehner to crush the ‘pesky...

Another example – worse than kamala.

By on Dec 5, 2019

Is it just me or aside from being offensive in their thinking are most democrat women also offensive to the eyes? It certainly would seem that way. And it would seem that the more hysterical and the more Trump deranged and the more communist they are the more offensive they are to the eyes. If you’re honest, doesn’t she look more like a guy? I wonder if having faces and bodies made for radio is a contributing factor to their world view of if the hateful nature of their worldview contributes to their outward appearance. Either way, would you want your children anywhere near this woman? Below is this incredible witch from yesterday’s sham show.  A law professor from Stanford no less and on hillary’s short list for the Supreme Court.  Can you imagine this woman on the Court? The law obviously doesn’t mean a thing to her (just like the other women on the court...

The world needs more of this – Hard Truth.

By on Dec 4, 2019

This is the moment that finished the lying, prostituting, fake black and most despicable kamala’s chances and what we need is much more of this everywhere. Raw truth that cannot be spun out of or covered up. This is indeed a rare moment in the political arena and we all, no matter your political leanings, owe Tulsi a tremendous thank-you and a standing ovation. And before you play the video just look at the two faces. I get the same impression as I got whenever I say hillary side by side with another woman. There is an ugliness that supersedes the physical appearance of women like kamala and hillary that simply cannot be denied. Could it be that what they are on the inside is effecting what they look like on the outside? What about men you say? Well, consider george...