What the heck kind of argument is trying to decide ” if any infant born alive is a full person”? Who has the nerve to argue either side of this preposterous question? What kind of people can perform acts like this, “Melissa Ohden, who survived a saline abortion and was thrown into a trash bin.”? If you are able to witness, let alone participate, in such grotesque behavior there is something seriously wrong with you and than should be the end of the story other than you should pocked away for the sake of society. Senate Democrats Insist Babies Born Alive After Abortions Should Be Left To Die Why should one baby down the hall be given care while another is left to die? Sen. Joni Ernst asked the Senate Judiciary Committee. Not one Democrat in the room could answer the question. By Krystina Skurk February 14, 2020 The Born-Alive Survivors Protection Act is not...