What do these cities have in common?

By on Jun 5, 2020

We’re Living The Founding Fathers’ Nightmare: America Is Corrupt To The Core

By on Jun 1, 2020

The Founding Fathers were wary of institutional threats to liberty and the citizenry’s sovereignty, which included centralized concentrations of power (monarchy, central banks, federal agencies, etc.) and the tyranny of corruption unleashed by small-minded, self-interested, greedy grifters who saw all elected offices and positions of government influence as nothing more than a means to increase their own private wealth. The Founders feared the dominance of self-interested, greedy grifters because they had no concept of the public good: to the greedy grifters, the government existed solely to serve their petty private interests and the interests of their fellow grifters. The Founders understood that a republic required disinterested leadership capable of looking past petty self-interest to the common good of the people and their nation. They feared the election of...

If you allow your children to attend school in one of these cities you are guilty of Child abuse.

By on Jun 1, 2020

May 31, 2020 Wisconsin city refuses to arrest rioters, but hands out hefty fines to churches with more than 50 worshipers The city is more strict about church services than criminals looting businesses There have been violent riots in Wisconsin’s capital of Madison, where a group of about 150 demonstrators threw rocks at police officers on Saturday night, according to WITI-TV. At least 75 stores were damaged or looted overnight. Despite the bedlam and property damage, the Madison Police Department only made three arrests. Ditch the fake news ==> Click here to get news you can trust sent right to your inbox. It’s free! Milwaukee Journal Sentinel politics and statehouse reporter Patrick Marley tweeted, “Police chief says they aren’t arresting people tonight.” Interim Madison Police Chief Vic Wahl said his officers stood back during the protests. While...

What the heck is going on here?

By on Jun 1, 2020

It would appear that in Minneapolis the rioting, killing, burning, stealing and pillaging can go on but the law abiding, (and I know those taking the video are law abiding  because they are wearing masks in their own house -imagine, a mayor who lets his town burn but forces the law abiding to wear masks in their own house), who are on their own front porch get paintballed. Now, I understand curfews and instructions but this sure looks a lot like Marshall Law. Perhaps these guys are on their way to paintball the looters but it sure looks like there are two rules of law in this country, at least in the democrat cities and states. I mean, is it just some happy coincidence that only democrat controlled areas are on fire? Criminals can do what they want, steal, burn, destroy, lie under oath, defy subpoenas, censor free speech, make up the news, destroy email, shake down foreign countries,...