There is so much wrong with this story it is difficult to know where to begin .

By on Jul 22, 2020

Start with this horror, “an elderly man wanted to shop without wearing his mask.” Store employees were so scared they called the police “because it’s really against the rules.” And so what happens? The man leaves the store and police show up at his home and. “two police officers arrived at the man’s home, an “interaction” unfolded and the two officers opened fire on the 73-year-old man, according to authorities. The man was shot and 3 hours after he refused to wear a mask, he was dead. So, apparently in Ontario if you don’t wear a mask the police shoot you dead. Coming to a town near you very soon. Maybe not for masks but for refusing to be vaccinated or accept your chip or turn you kids over to the state. Elderly Man Shot Dead by Police After Refusing to Wear a Mask in Grocery Store By Matt Agorist – July 21, 2020 The debate over face masks...

There is a level of either dishonesty or stupidity or rather both in this country that is hard to believe.

By on Jul 19, 2020

‘White privilege’ neighborhood vows to stop calling police – and crime rates immediately soar |July 19, 2020 MINNEAPOLIS, MN- Activists, largely a group of white liberals, in the Powderhorn Park neighborhood of Minneapolis vowed to stop calling the police over property crimes.  They did this in reaction to the death of George Floyd. What’s more, they have even included being car-jacked as a reason not to call the police. Much to the surprise of just about nobody else, the crime rate soared with the local park being overrun with homeless people, with a camp of over 300 turning a children’s playground into a dangerous encampment of indigents. Thursday, there was a second shooting in the neighborhood that has embraced the “defund the police” mantra. Three (reported) sexual assaults have taken place at the encampment, reported on June 26, June 28 and July 5.  A man has been...

And nary a mask to be seen.

By on Jul 19, 2020

Wild video shows people flooding Astoria’s Steinway Street without masks By Melissa Klein Large crowds of maskless revelers are packing the streets in Astoria and partying like there’s no pandemic. A video shot Friday night shows hundreds of partiers packing Steinway Street as an NYPD cruiser tries to get by and police tell people to “get out of the street.” The crowd cheers as the car moves on, then fills the street again, plastic cups in hand. They stood in front of bars and restaurants, some of which had tables out for dining. Later, a group of officers can be seen standing on a corner looking on as crowds walk by. Another video posted to Twitter early Saturday morning shows people dancing and jumping up and down on Steinway Street. And Twitter user @vodkapond posted a video that appeared to show alcohol being sold out of the back of cars and asked, “Anyone going to do anything...

If this doesn’t speak volumes to you and inform you of what real danger you are in from your government you are just plain, sorry to say, stupid.

By on Jul 18, 2020

Out of 8,000 federal contributions from CDC employees since 2015, only 5 went to Republican causes, FEC records show by Bryan Brammer · Jul 18th, 2020 12:32 pm 10 Last Updated Jul 18th, 2020 at 3:10 pm More than 550 employees at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have made over 8,000 contributions totaling more than $285,000 to Democratic causes since 2015. In that time, only five contributions have been made toward Republican causes, Federal Election Commission records indicate. Out of those five contributions, which totaled slightly more than $1,000, three sent money to President Trump’s 2016 campaign. The contributions came from nurses, technology personnel, epidemiologists, and the CDC’s chief financial officer. Common recipients of CDC contributions: ActBlue – an online fundraising platform for Democratic and left-leaning organizationsBernie...

Good Advice.

By on Jul 18, 2020

Never believe or trust anyone who offers solutions that do not effect them. This is especially true of government and we see it clearly during this “pandemic”. None of the people making the mandates and providing the “information”, NOT A SINGLE ONE, has missed a single paycheck nor a contribution to their pension. Not one of them has lost a business, had to sell their house or reach into their retirement account, not one. And frankly, they really do not care about those who are effected. See Genesis 6:5 – live your life by it and you will not be nearly so gullible nor disappointed.

Is this true? Sure would seem so.

By on Jul 18, 2020

Real data (again) comparing seasonal flu deaths in Texas in 2017-2018, & 2018-2019, to C19 deaths in 2020 (data from Texas Dept of Health): 2019 flu data ; 2018 flu data 2020 C19 data as of 7/14/20;— Andrew Bostom (@andrewbostom) July 15, 2020