Start with this horror, “an elderly man wanted to shop without wearing his mask.” Store employees were so scared they called the police “because it’s really against the rules.” And so what happens? The man leaves the store and police show up at his home and. “two police officers arrived at the man’s home, an “interaction” unfolded and the two officers opened fire on the 73-year-old man, according to authorities. The man was shot and 3 hours after he refused to wear a mask, he was dead. So, apparently in Ontario if you don’t wear a mask the police shoot you dead. Coming to a town near you very soon. Maybe not for masks but for refusing to be vaccinated or accept your chip or turn you kids over to the state. Elderly Man Shot Dead by Police After Refusing to Wear a Mask in Grocery Store By Matt Agorist – July 21, 2020 The debate over face masks...