Mind boggling how stupid some people are.

By on Apr 3, 2020

Even more mind boggling is that people vote for people who are this stupid. Honestly, if this wasn’t recorded and someone told me about this I am not sure I would believe it. I find it hard to believe ANYONE can be this stupid. Houston Mayor pleads with criminals to take a break until the pandemic is over The dangerous magical thinking that criminals will stop being criminals and obey new laws such as “Universal” background checks verges on insanity in the midst of a crisis. by D Parker April 3, 2020 At any other time, a mayor asking criminals to not act like criminals would almost be amusing. But, in the midst of the Chi-Com Virus pandemic, it shows a dangerous mindset that belies the true nature of the authoritarian left. It shows that leftists think criminals can be reasoned with and that they will somehow obey the law. That they think of this as just a battle between...

So desperate to cover their crimes (treason) they would destroy the country.

By on Apr 3, 2020

REPORT: Mueller Hid Evidence Exonerating Don Jr. Over Infamous Trump Tower Meeting By Matt Margolis April 3, 2020 Despite the fact that the Mueller report proved there was no collusion between Donald Trump and the Russians during the 2016 campaign, Democrats were convinced that there was more evidence out there, perhaps in the tiny fraction of the report that was redacted for national security reasons, that proved Trump actually did collude with the Russians. It turns out that the most interesting things about Mueller’s investigation were not what was redacted from the report, but what wasn’t included in the first place. According to investigative reporter John Solomon, Bob Mueller hid evidence exonerating Donald Trump Jr. over the infamous Trump Tower meeting, during which Democrats were convinced he had met with a Russian lawyer to discuss dirt on Hillary Clinton. The...

Real racists and politically correct morons kill the people who vote for them with a smile and a lie

By on Apr 2, 2020

There are two things which are beyond frightening as takeaways from this story. First, these obvious affirmative action appointees to positions that hold the power of life and death. Obvious incompetents put in these positions solely based on the color of their skin, their gender, their sexual orientation and if you can get two or all three in the same candidate you really have a winner no matter how much a loser they have PROVEN themselves to be. And second, and perhaps most frightening as it is the cause for the first, the people who become the victims of these grossly incompetent fools are the very people who put these people in charge. Identity Politics Lied. New Yorkers Died How identity politics pseudoscience left New York exposed to the Coronavirus. Thu Apr 2, 2020 Daniel Greenfield 19 Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is an investigative...

Which is most frightening?

By on Apr 1, 2020

This women actually believes what she is writing. The grey lady prints it? Many other people believe it? This is what they are teaching your children in public school? The Religious Right’s Hostility to Science Is Crippling Our Coronavirus Response Trump’s response to the pandemic has been haunted by the science denialism of his ultraconservative religious allies. By Katherine Stewart Ms. Stewart is the author of “The Power Worshippers: Inside the Dangerous Rise of Religious Nationalism.” March 27, 2020 Donald Trump rose to power with the determined assistance of a movement that denies science, bashes government and prioritized loyalty over professional expertise. In the current crisis, we are all reaping what that movement has sown. At least since the 19th century, when the proslavery theologian Robert Lewis Dabney attacked the physical sciences as “theories of unbelief,” hostility to...


By on Mar 31, 2020

Porn Being Taught As ‘Normal’ To Children Via At-Home Sex Ed Digital Media By Karen Ashley – March 29, 2020 ShareTweetSubscribe to Chicks On The Right! Great, because, what better advantage to take of being stuck at home, with only social media and the internet to keep occupied for a majority of the time, than to encourage children to watch some hanky-panky right before their very eyes? The school systems don’t teach children about taxes but…priorities, I guess.     What a way to encourage children to be contributing, productive members of society. Just because something has been normalized by society doesn’t mean it is necessarily good. People used to have public executions via hangings in the United States up until the 1900s as a normal method of punishment, too. According to Breitbart: Digital media platform Amaze has launched an at-home sex ed video series on...

How many examples are required?

By on Mar 28, 2020

As hard as it is to believe I think the msm actually believes the public is unaware of their double standard and their hypocrisy. To me that belief is even more condemning than their double standard and their hypocrisy. Read Biden Accuser’s Account Of His Alleged Sexual Assault The ball is in voters’ court to consider whether his accuser is telling the truth, and what that means for Biden’s qualifications as a presidential hopeful. By Emily Jashinsky March 27, 2020 Presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden is battling a serious allegation of sexual assault, one his accuser says she brought to the campaigns of Sens. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., and Kamala Harris, D-Calif., before they left the 2020 race. According to Tara Reade, while she worked as a staff assistant for Biden in 1993, the senator “began kissing her without her permission, pushed her against a wall,...