Do with it what you will

By on Mar 17, 2020

Given what we know about the msm which seems more likely to be the truth. Given what we know about hatred, irrational hatred and love of money and power who has more reason to lie? Given all the examples we have of how willfully ignorant (“bloomberg spent $500 million, he could have given everyone in the US a million dollars,” being a recent example) and intentionally blind and hateful and owned the talking heads and their masters are which rendition of the statistics seems more accurate and truthful? None of this is to make less of the virus but only to make more of questions, skepticism and perspective. And it certainly has nothing to do with more obvious questions or even more obvious solutions like, how did it get here? BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: The Coronavirus Fatality Rate Reported by the Media Is COMPLETELY INACCURATE. The Actual Rate Is LESS THAN THE FLU – MEDIA LYING...

Another Epstein, Phillip Hainey did not kill himself. SO WHAT?

By on Mar 15, 2020

Unlike epstein, however, congressman, Louie Gohmert is looking into the death of his friend. SO WHAT? Will anything ever come of this? Nothing ever seems to come of the deaths of men who supposedly know too much. Why is that? And what happens to the information these men supposedly have? Surely these men are wise enough to set up dead man switches. Surely these men have their information digitally located in more than one spot. How does their information and proof always seem to disappear with them? Let’s take this guy Hainey, was a whistle blower years ago, supposedly had more information, his friend is a powerful congressman, and he ends up dead. What happened to his previous whistle blowing? If his information was so damning that someone would kill him why hadn’t the congressman already acted on it? We are asked to believe Hainey has this info and he hasn’t shared...

No one is this stupid so how do YOU explain what you see?

By on Mar 14, 2020

CNN Wonders Why Distrust in Media is High – Same CNN: Saying “The Coronavirus Originated in China” is Racist… Posted on March 12, 2020 by sundance Elania Plott is a CNN analyst who notes in her conversations with supporters of President Trump the disdain and distrust in media is worse than any time she can remember: Perhaps this short recap video will help explain.  CNN is now claiming that anyone who uses the term “Wuhan Virus” or “Chinese Corona Virus” is being xenophobic and racist.  The Media Research Center looked into it and captured some rather stark hypocrisy: Share...

If people do not hang America is finished.

By on Mar 12, 2020

  FBI’s Russia collusion case fell apart in first month of Trump presidency, memos show Flynn collusion ruled out, Steele dossier debunked in January 2017, more than two years before Mueller announced it. By John Solomon Last Updated: March 11, 2020 – 4:40pm Article Dig In The piecemeal release of FBI files in the Russia collusion investigation has masked an essential fact: James Comey’s G-men had substantially debunked the theory that Donald Trump’s campaign conspired with Moscow by the time the 45th president was settling into the Oval Office, according to declassified memos, court filings and interviews. And that means a nascent presidency and an entire nation were put through two more years of lacerating debate over an issue that was mostly resolved in January 2017 inside the bureau’s own evidence files. The proof is now sitting in plain view. In rapid fire sequence in...

How many people will die in the dem effort to confiscate your guns?

By on Mar 12, 2020

There is no limit to how far communist dems will go to convince Americans to give up their guns. How would you like to have been or to have had a family member in one of these terrorist attacks on American soil that the FBI either were or should have been aware were likely to happen? Seems many, if not all, of these attacks could have been prevented so the only conclusion that any reasonable person can draw is that they were allowed to take place because those in charge, and I am talking about all the way to the top, WANTED them to take place. The people who died in these attacks were not killed by terrorists but by communists in their own government.

Mark it down today. There is no way this guy makes it to the election. Watch out for hillary.

By on Mar 10, 2020

New Close-Up Video of Biden Yelling at Auto Worker is Much Worse Than Thought: “I wanna go outside with you” Mar 10, 2020 Earlier today, presidential candidate Joe Biden got into a heated argument with a worker at a Fiat-Chrysler plant in Michigan. The Michigan primary is today, and Biden was stumping this morning to gain votes from the auto workers. It was ugly, but the new close-up video is even uglier. Watch below as Biden goes at it with the auto-worker but also shushes his assistant. He got angry at the worker when the worker said Biden was planning on taking guns away. Biden told the worker he’s full of sh*t. Then Biden kept sticking his finger in the worker’s face. Biden even threatened to take it outside. He gaffes like crazy too when he mentions the “AR-14” and says his sons like to hunt. There is no “AR-14,” and he has one son. John Cardillo Different angle, close up of...