Deniers are as guilty as the pedophiles they protect.

By on Mar 2, 2020

Duh. Won’t solve the entire problem of child sexual abuse but it certainly is something that can be easily done. Couple that with other easily identifiable forms of child abuse that are denied like having trans men read stories and dance for elementary school children in libraries and at their birthday parties and much of what many decry as evil could be eliminated but instead it is celebrated and the celebrators are as guilty or more guilty than the very ill men whom they promote. BRYAN FISCHER Homosexual pedophilia destroyed the Boy Scouts Thursday, February 27, 2020 | Bryan Fischer This fact is enormously disturbing. Homosexuals comprise just two percent of the population, yet are responsible for 33% of all instances of child sexual abuse. The once-storied Boy Scouts of America are toast. The BSA has filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy in an effort to stave off an avalanche of...

Louie Gohmert may just as well have killed his friend.

By on Mar 1, 2020

Well, Louie, if “your friend” was going to name names why don’t you already have them? IT has been years since he whistle blew, you were in the House at the time, what happened? Why was he going to name names now? Why isn’t there video recording of him already naming names? If you hot shots in DC know someone is in danger of being suicided why don’t you get the info and witness protection? How do people like Haney and epstein end up dead and their info dies with them (where are all the tapes epstein had?) if they ARE SO VALUABLE? You and your ilk may just as well have pulled the trigger or strangled them yourselves. Whatever it is that you all are hiding it must be pretty awful. “He Was Going to Name Names… And Ends Up with a Bullet in Him” – Rep. Louie Gohmert Remembers His Friend Philip Haney on House Floor (VIDEO)  by Jim Hoft February 29, 2020 DHS...

When your enemy is destroying themselves leave them alone.

By on Feb 29, 2020

Idiot doesn’t even begin to describe it. Idiot and FOOL is closer to accurate. AOC Responds to Ted Cruz’s Science Jab and It’s Maximum Cringe Posted at 4:15 pm on February 28, 2020 by Bonchie Earlier, RedState reported on a bit of a back and forth between Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Ted Cruz. This came about after AOC proclaimed that VP Mike Pence “literally” does not believe in science, apparently not understanding what the word literally means, nor what science actually entails. Cruz jabbed at her by pointing out AOC’s own penchant for ignoring science. As you are speaking as the oracle of science, tell us, what exactly is a Y chromosome? — Ted Cruz (@tedcruz) February 27, 2020 For some reason, AOC took this as a slight towards her former employment of being a bartender. Why she did given that Cruz never mentioned that is a bit of a mystery, but perhaps...

Disgusting. You really have to wonder.

By on Feb 29, 2020

What type of people, given the ontological certainty via the undeniable scientific, medical and visual proof that now exists, WANT TO KILL BABIES? How black does your heart have to be to find nothing wrong with murdering the most innocent among us while taking great offense at putting to death a murderer? I’m sorry but there is something drastically wrong with people who subscribe to that belief and I believe the only thing that can explain it is that those people are evil and sane, rational people should desire to have nothing to do with them. So what does that say about those who would have that ilk lead them? VA Dems: Why allow only doctors to perform abortions? Friday, February 28, 2020 Chris Woodward ( You can’t say they don’t keep their word: After pledging to do so, Democrats in Virginia have rolled back decades of abortion restrictions in Old Dominion....

Anyone hear this story? Mass shooting story disappears in a hurry, WHY?

By on Feb 29, 2020

Well, the answer is simple. Once it was revealed that the shooter was a black man who supports liz warren the story went away. Funny that. What is even funnier is that in all the “news” stories I could find reporting the actual incident not one of them mentions the race or political proclivities of the shooter. NOT ONE. Had the shooter been a white man do you think it would have gone unmentioned? How about a white Trump supporter? Gun control, white supremacy, black lives matter – NOT A PEEP about any of it. Widburg and Watson have this exactly right. February 28, 2020 There’s a very good reason the media are silent about the Milwaukee mass shooting By Andrea Widburg On Wednesday, an angry ex-employee got a gun, put a silencer on it, went to the MillersCoors facility where he had once worked, and shot five people to death before shooting himself.  One would...

Where’s the problem?

By on Feb 29, 2020

Seriously, where’s the problem? A MAN, who dresses like or may even THINK that he is a woman, wants to use elementary school girl’s bathrooms and people are upset? The progressive people of Madison are not upset when a male teacher returns from vacation and declares he is a woman. These enlightened souls think nothing of continuing to send their very small children to this thing’s classroom but when it wants to use the literal little girls room it becomes a bridge too far? Funny that. Men have no business teaching elementary school period. Sick men who believe they are women even a greater period. This has been true for ever. The task of attempting to teach 3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 and even 11 year old children every day, of dealing with a class of that age group day after day is something that would drive any normal man crazy therefore any man who wants that job is not...