At Superbowl 2 Latinas demean ALL women and then there is this…

By on Feb 4, 2020

It would seem objectification is not enough for some really, really stupid, white, leftist women. How stupid are they? First, though they normally rail against the patriarchy, this past Sunday they applauded their own objectification as two of their heroes put on a strip show complete with simulated sex and close-ups of their most private woman parts. So how stupid are they? Well, apparently very as they are also willing to pay two opportunists $2500 to insult and laugh at them for being stupid white, leftist women. AMAZING. White, Leftist Women Are Paying $2500 To Confront Their Own Racism At ‘Privilege Dinner Parties’ By  Emily Zanotti Groups of white, liberal women are paying upwards of $2500 to confront their own “racism” and “privilege” over salad and spaghetti carbonara at “privilege” dinner parties hosted by a new group called “Race 2 Dinner,” according to The...

Dems screw their own in Iowa.

By on Feb 4, 2020

First we have a refusal to release the final poll before the caucus. Now this incredible vote counting supposed debacle. But we know there is no level of lying, cheating, stealing or fraud that the democrats won’t sink to so none of this should really surprise anyone. The ptb had to make sure bernie didn’t win. So they don’t release the final poll showing bernie winning big and then they try to rig the counting but screw it up BUT SO WHAT? In the end nothing will happen to anyone, all we will ever get is some lame explanation, lots of finger pointing and screams of fraud and cheating from the bernie camp and some of the others to make it look good but the result they have fixed will not change and they will have achieved what they want and be encouraged and empowered to do it again and again. Sad but true. We know this, we could have, should have, half did, expected...

Equally amazing. Those who still bother to watch are beyond hope.

By on Jan 31, 2020

Again, what truly amazes is that what was presented at the “trial” was the exact opposite of what these folks said it was. They saw and heard and then reported what did not happen. Evening News Spin: 100% Negative on Trump Defense, 95% Positive Dems By Nicholas Fondacaro | January 29, 2020 7:05 PM EST Before the Senate impeachment trial of President Donald J. Trump was gaveled into session, Chief Justice John Roberts presided over a swearing-in ceremony where all 100 senators pledged to be impartial jurors. The liberal media zeroed in on that pledge and decried Senate Republicans who seemed to be siding with the President. But a Media Research Center study of broadcast evening news coverage of the opening arguments of both sides, found ABC, CBS, and NBC did not live up to the standard they demanded of Republicans. They gave Democrats double the airtime and showered their...

What amazes most about this list is that there is no counterpart

By on Jan 31, 2020

and the list only runs through Nov. 2018. The fact there is absolutely nothing even remotely similar that can be compiled from the other side speaks volumes. And my guess is you could probably add another 250 to the list for 2019 and I am quite certain that this year will likely be the worst of all. So, it just begs the questions, why does all the violence ONLY come from the left? And why would an uninformed visitor from another planet think it was just the opposite? Rap Sheet: ***639*** Acts of Media-Approved Violence and Harassment Against Trump Supporters John Nolte When not calling Trump supporters “Nazis” as a means to dehumanize us, the establishment media like to whine about the lack of civility in American politics, even as they cover up, ignore, downplay, or straight-up approve of the wave of violence and public harassment we are seeing against supporters of President Trump....

Sharks in Kentucky? That’s a long way from the ocean. I wonder how they got there?

By on Jan 31, 2020

Fossilized head of 340 million-year-old shark found in Kentucky’s Mammoth Cave By Lee Brown January 30, 2020 | 11:21am Matt Cecil, Getty (inset) Scientists excavating a cave in Kentucky were stunned to find the fossilized head of a huge shark — one thought to be up to 340 million years old, according to a report. Rick Olson and Rick Toomey first came across the remains while mapping the world’s longest cave system, the 400-mile Mammoth Cave National Park, the Louisville Courier Journal said. Their findings reached paleontologist John-Paul Hodnett, who joined them after finding a lower jaw, skull cartilage and several teeth from a shark the size of a Great White, possibly up to 21-feet long. “I wasn’t exactly sure what I was going to see in the cave,” Hodnett told the Courier Journal. “When we got to our target specimen my mind was blown.” The fossilized remains of a...

This has been out there since Nov. 2016. Dems “conspire to produce an unaware and compliant citizenry.”

By on Jan 31, 2020

In their own words. Yet, try to convince someone that it is intentional and planned and they call you a conspiracy kook. Read this quote from an email from Bill Ivey to John Podesta. What kind of leader fosters this kind of thought process in her supporters? A person that stands for nothing except winning. These are her children. A generation of misanthropes raised by a narcisist. Bill Ivey to Podesta: “And as I’ve mentioned, we’ve all been quite content to demean government, drop civics and in general conspire to produce an unaware and compliant citizenry. The unawareness remains strong but compliance is obviously fading rapidly. This problem demands some serious, serious thinking – and not just poll driven, demographically-inspired messaging.” Almost as sick is the amoral comment that  essentially says: People are still ignorant, but are becoming restless. We need...