While I am sure some rino will come along down the road and muck it up if Rasmussen is wrong by even 50% right now the dems are finished. And believe me they know it. The desperation of those who would destroy America is palpable. I truly hope Bernie gets the dem nomination so come November we can drive a stake into the heart of the communists — at least for awhile. Poll: Trump’s Support Among Black Voters Has Doubled Since Last Year by Matt Palumbo Posted: January 29, 2020 In November, two polls found that President Trump’s approval rating among black likely voters had reached 34%. An Emerson poll found that Trump has a 34.5% approval rating among black likely voters and a Rasmussen poll found that number was 34%.Both polls provide an obvious contradiction to the media narrative about President Trump appealing to “racists,” hence why neither got a second of airtime on CNN or...