Who would ever send their child to schools run by such idiots?

By on Jan 21, 2020

Oregon State U. to put feminine hygiene products in restrooms ‘regardless of gender’ Dave Huber – Assistant Editor •January 20, 2020   Oregon State University will begin putting free feminine hygiene products in campus building restrooms this winter term “regardless of gender.” The Memorial Union and Student Experience Center will be the first to get the products, thanks to a student government initiative The Daily Barometer reports. Associated Students of Oregon State University Queer Affairs Coordinator Julian Chu said the decision was based on “fulfill[ing] the needs of people that have a menstruation without discriminating by gender and those who cannot afford personal hygiene products.” To those new to The College Fix, Chu is referencing transgender men who, as biological women, still get their periods. And because tampons and pads allegedly are expensive, Chu says the free...

Some dems feel the need to commit suicide because

By on Jan 21, 2020

they know too much other because they don’t know enough. Here we have the latter. I wonder how long it will take for the cameras to break this time? SOLITARY: Michael Avenatti Transferred To El Chapo’s Former Cell In New York Jail Federal prosecutors aren’t inclined to give Avenatti a break. Jan 21, 2020 By Richard Moorhead New legal documents published Monday night reveal that showboat attorney and former cable news star Michael Avenatti has been transferred from a California jail to an infamous New York jail after violating the terms of his pre-trial agreement. Avenatti was arrested at a hearing of the California Bar Association last weekend. New documents published by his attorney surfaced Monday, revealing that Avenatti was transferred from California to New York over the weekend and jailed at the Metropolitan Correctional Center. Avenatti is currently facing criminal charges...

The fools didn’t listen to a REAL war President. How come?

By on Jan 21, 2020

Staged or real really doesn’t matter as it is the plain truth.

By on Jan 20, 2020

“Lying Pieces of Shit!” Man at Virginia Gun Rally Interrupts Live MSNBC Broadcast Attendees upset with media characterizing event as a white supremacist march. Paul Joseph Watson | Infowars.com – January 20, 2020 An attendee of today’s pro-gun rally in Richmond, Virginia had a few choice words for MSNBC when he crashed their live broadcast to tell them they’re “lying pieces of shit.” An MSNBC reporter was doing a piece to camera about how President Trump was tweeting about the event when an old man appeared in the background to deliver a very clear message. “You’re all lying pieces of shit, fuck you!” the man exclaimed....

You want IDIOCY?

By on Jan 20, 2020

Sometimes it is difficult to know just who is sicker. How does a society become so sick, so lost, so idiotic?   Facebook Now Classifies ‘Denying Existence’ of Transgender Identities as ‘Hate Speech’ By Tré Goins-Phillips Editor January 17, 2020 In a rule change quietly implemented at the end of the year, Facebook announced it now forbids “denying [the] existence” of various sexual identities. The Silicon Valley-based company announced the change in a December update to its Community Standards. In the post, Facebook described “protected characteristics” as “race, ethnicity, national origin, religious affiliation, sexual orientation, caste, sex, gender, gender identity, and serious disease or disability.” By classifying the denial of certain sexual orientations as a form of “hate speech,” Facebook is potentially barring users from posting any content critical of the more than 50...

While Rome burns the idiots fiddle.

By on Jan 20, 2020

And there appear to be no shortage of idiots. The $119 Billion Sea Wall That Could Defend New York … or Not An aerial view of the New Orleans Drainage System’s Gulf Intracoastal West Closure Complex, which includes a navigable floodgate, sluice gates and an earthern levee, in Belle Chasse, Louisiana, on June 10, 2015. (William Widmer/The New York Times) A proposal for a six-mile-long barrier to protect New York City from floodwaters during fierce storms like Sandy has alarmed many experts who say it is an oversimplified, myopic concept that could even make things worse. New York Times New York Last Updated: January 18, 2020, 2:36 PM IST Picture a storm charging toward New York City, pushing a surge of seawater like the one that flooded the region during Hurricane Sandy. But this time, man-made islands with retractable gates stretch from the Rockaways in Queens to a strip of land...