AnD, sO wHaT?

By on Jan 18, 2020

Our first installment of a new category, And, so what?, wherein we will try to really anger the readers with stories that make any normal, moral, law-abiding American become red with frustration at the injustice. Stories, that indeed, make it difficult not to become discouraged or at least apathetic but hopefully, stories that in their disgusting and what can only be seen as unfair outcomes cause the reader to recognize that God is still running the same faith test He always has with the same hope that you will put your Trust in Him and not man. Here is the original story from Oct. 17, 2018: Treasury employee charged with leaking financial info on Trump team was arrested with flash drive in hand, prosecutors say   And a year and a half later here is today’s story about this same reprehensible lawbreaker, caught red-handed, admitting her guilt albeit reluctantly and in all...

The cancer that is DC is everywhere.

By on Jan 16, 2020

The cancer is so malignant that not even a crazed WWII Japanese pilot ala Jack Ryan could fix it. It may well be that the only thing that can cure it is a huge does of radiation when EVERY department of every agency at work. You want funny – The unaccountable Government Accountability Office handed out the below nonsense and it just happened to come on the day the largest and fairest trade agreement in US History was signed and the fraudulent and foolish articles were delivered. Coincidence? Yeah, sure. Corruption at every level. EVERY SINGLE LEVEL. The TIMING alone tells you everything you should need to know. Here is one other thing to think about – with all the blatant corruption, theft, fraud and outright seditious behavior in a town that requires no more than waking up in the morning to find – WHERE has this “Accountability Office” been up till now?...

Self-Loathing in America

By on Jan 16, 2020

While it is difficult to understand how people can so readily identify with a group, how they can believe their very identity is collective rather than individual it may be even more difficult to understand why the mission of those groups is self destruction. How can you hate yourself (and your “group”) to such an extent that you promote the hatred of the “group” that would destroy you?   “Whiteness cannot exist without blackness, so until white people are willing to give up whiteness, you will never see an end, really, to racism that is built on antiblackness, and I don’t have hope for that. It is really the oldest American value, and it continues to be so,” Nikole Hannah-Jones opined. Nikole Hannah-Jones is the architect of the New York Times’ 1619 Project. The racial revisionism of the 1619 Project envisions all of American history as a...

Is this a good idea? Once you get past the initial revulsion and think about it, it makes tremendous sense.

By on Jan 11, 2020

Seattle will soon get world’s first human composting site by Daniel Payne · Jan 11th, 2020 9:50 am Seattle, Washington, will soon become home to the world’s first “human composting” site, a place where individuals can have their postmortem remains slowly decompose into soil. The service, called “Recompose,” will place human remains in a container full of alfalfa, straw and wood chips, all common materials often used to make compost out of non-human remains. The process of breaking down the human body into humus will take about a month, according to officials with the company. Loved ones of those who have been turned into compost have the option of picking up the resultant soil, which will total about a square yard. The remains can also be donated to a forest in the southwestern part of the...

We have a very corrupt legal system.

By on Jan 11, 2020

Paul Craig Roberts: The Justice Department Is Devoid Of Justice Authored by Paul Craig Roberts, In the United States the criminal justice (sic) system is itself not subject to law.  We see immunity to law continually as police commit felonies against citizens and even murder children and walk away free.  We see it all the time when prosecutors conduct political prosecutions and when they prosecute the innocent in order to build their conviction record.  We see it when judges fail to prevent prosecutors from withholding exculpatory evidence and bribing witnesses and when judges accept coerced plea deals that deprive the defendant of a jury trial. We just saw it again when federal prosecutors recommended a six month prison sentence for Lt. Gen. Flynn, the former head of the Defense Intelligence Agency accused of lying to the FBI about nothing of any importance, for being uncooperative in...

It’s the white man’s fault. This should end well.

By on Jan 8, 2020

Now, this is a good idea. Almost as good as allowing people to steal anything less than $950 without consequence in San Francisco. Maybe they are trying to get all the criminals to move to Atlanta and all the homeless to move to San Fran. “If I’m A Criminal, It’s Open Season”: Atlanta Police To Stop Chasing Criminals by Tyler Durden Tue, 01/07/2020 – In a country where the balance of power swings wildly between law enforcement and criminals, Atlanta has launching a program that as of this moment will let crime run rampant without and police officers in pursuit. Literally. Last week, Atlanta Police Chief Erika Shields sent out an email to the entire police force notifying officers that the department will no longer chase suspects, in what is now called a “zero chase policy.” According to WSB-TV, Shields cited “the risk to the safety of the...