This is who the left worships?

By on Jan 6, 2020

Who in the sane world believes this fat fool knows what he is talking about? Michael Moore personally DMs the Ayatollah of Iran to beg forgiveness for Americans, waits for response January 5, 2020 | Vivek Saxena | Hollywood producer Michael Moore, a man who’s been unable to resolve differences with his estranged ex-wife, believes he has what it takes to resolve America’s differences with the rogue, terrorism-sponsoring regime of Iran … And apparently, his plan of action entails groveling at Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei’s feet like a Basset Hound (or schoolchildren …) begging for a treat. “I have just sent the Ayatollah of Iran a personal appeal asking him not to respond to our assassination of his top General with violence of any kind, but rather let me & millions of Americans fix this peacefully,” the cowering, docile Hollywood celeb announced on his various social media...

Dems have many reasons to fear their continued existence but this has to scare them to death.

By on Jan 5, 2020

There are many very good, valid and TRUE reasons below that have to have the dems scared to death but if you want to know what should really scare them listen to this regular guy being interviewed by a person who doesn’t like the answers she is getting. People like this Baltimore resident have got to scare the dems to death. The dems are left with no option but to hope they can cheat via fraud or vote counting. We’re looking at the biggest landslide since Reagan so be on the lookout for things that don’t seem to make sense. The black@community is waking up!!!! #blackvoicesforTrump #woke Five Signs Black Americans Are ‘Awakening’ to a Break with the Democrat Party JEFF KOWALSKY/AFP/Getty Images Dr. Susan Berry 4 Jan 20205,471 Last week former NFL player Jack Brewer declared a “tremendous awakening” is happening in the country as some black Americans are abandoning the...

How evil must todd’s bosses be?

By on Jan 5, 2020

Scientific Survey Shows Voters Widely Accept Misinformation Spread by the Media Ken Blackwell, James Agresti, Donald McLaughlin, Kathryn Jean LopezJanuary 3, 2020 NBC News reporter and political director Chuck Todd recently railed against “misinformation” and singled out President Trump and “the right” for having an “incentive structure” to spread it. Todd — who, according to NBC, “is responsible for all aspects of the network’s political coverage” — also stated that Republicans criticize the media for “sport” and “the loudest chanters of fake news” are “the ones who, under a lie detector, would probably take our word over any word they’ve heard from the other side on whether something was poisonous or not.” Speaking directly to those unsupported claims, a scientific survey commissioned by Just...

Were I anyone associated with the obama administration I would be very, very nervous.

By on Jan 3, 2020

The groundwork has been and is being laid for the T word to be applied. The previous president fetes this anti-American TERRORIST at the Peopls’s House and then gives him $150 BILLION in cash to, ultimately, kill American with. The current President kills the bastard. Think about it while thinking about Ben Ghazi vs the most recent attack on our embassy in Tehran which, to give some idea of how corrupt the media is, our msm is trying to say this is Trumps’s Ben Ghazi  except for the fact that Trump acted immediately, there were no American lives lost, there was no phony video story, there was no LYING to the American people and now there are dead LEADERS of terror. But let’s see, based on this report by the US gov’t — The U.S. State Department holds Soleimani responsible for the deaths of 608 U.S. personnel killed during the Iraq War (2003-2011), which is...

UCLA – put conservatives in reeducation camps

By on Jan 3, 2020

UCLA Students Sign Petition to Put Trump Supporters in Concentration Camps February 23, 2019 Kaitlin Bennett went undercover at UCLA as Jenna Talia to ask students to sign a petition to throw conservatives into involuntary re-education camps. Not only were the students she approached ecstatic to sign it, but one member of UCLA’s student government encouraged her to change the language to “diversity” and “sensitivity training” to hide their real intentions so the administration would approve it. Watch the craziness below. Share...