Is this lunacy representative of all public school teachers? Nah. But couple this type of behavior, of which there is much, with the lies and propaganda the majority serve up every day, mostly because the teachers themselves are brainwashed, unqualified fools themselves, and sending your child to such a place should qualify you as a child abuser. Public School Teacher Caught In Embarrassing Rant Aimed At Students Playing In Park:”I hope both of you the get coronavirus…I hope you both die a long, painful death!” [VIDEO] Apr 26, 2020 It’s not natural for us to be locked down in our own homes and told we aren’t allowed to be social with other human beings. Most adults, however, have managed to get through this difficult time without screaming at kids in a local park, blaming them for the coronavirus pandemic. The Trentonian reports – A math teacher at Steinert High School in New Jersey,...