How can anyone think this is about carbon?

By on Jan 11, 2018

This guy is either the biggest moron or the biggest liar but then I suppose he could be both judging by these idiotic comments.We read in the article – “If Inslee’s carbon tax plan passes, the legislation would have no measurable impact on projected future global warming.” Knowing this what could possibly motivate someone to push ahead with such a plan. It certainly can’t be concern for the environment. Might it be control? Might it be money? “Inslee’s office estimates it will raise $3.3 billion over the next four years… The plan could raise household electricity prices five percent, and gas prices by about 10 percent, according to official estimates.” Why would an elected official of the people want the price of a gallon of gas to go up $.20 or $.30 cents? Why would he want electricity prices to rise. Why would he want the people of his state...

It really doesn’t get much better than this.

By on Jan 10, 2018

Of course, it makes little difference how big a fool the dems make of themselves they will just lie about it or say it doesn’t matter it still takes place. There is a question that does need be asked about this humiliation, who paid for it? Democrats Humiliate Themselves With Their Own Study On Illegal Online Gun Sales Authored by Mac Slavo via, Gun-hating democrats who demanded a study into the sale of guns online were smacked with a dose of reality. They wasted two years attempting to buy guns illegally on the ‘dark web’, and the group of Democrats failed every single time. Senator Elizabeth Warren joined with Senator Brian Schultz, D-Hawaii, and Representative Elijah Cummings, D-Md., to commission the GAO report. An embarrassing attempt to try to regulate guns further went horribly wrong when Democrats took it upon themselves to try to skirt the law to...

And this from the “smartest” man in the world?

By on Jan 10, 2018

Man,the irony here is incredible. Hawking is so corrupted in his thinking that he is not even aware of why he is correct and would deny to his last breath the truth of why his prediction is accurate. The end of the earth will have nothing to do with man yet it will be man’s fault. All one need do to know how it ends is read the Book, it has already been decreed and man’s breathing has nothing to do with it. But putting aside that which has already been predicted and cannot be changed let us look at his Venus comment as proof of man’s arrogance – “Venus, the second closest planet to the sun, was once Earth-like.” – First off how can such a definiive statement ever be made and second, if it were true, where did all their gasses come from to turn it into “a boiling celestial body with temperatures of 250 degrees celsius and wind speeds of up...

Above the law – maybe not.

By on Jan 9, 2018

There is no one who has owned a desktop or laptop computer or a phone in the last twenty years who has not experienced a failure and has not learned from it that they need a back-up solution. Just how stupid or how complicit are these folks at the FBI? Maybe even worse is either how stupid these people think the people are or how much better they think they are. This last may really be the crux. The self-righteous, arrogant conceit just seems to go hand in hand with the unrighteous.   EXCLUSIVE: Huma Abedin backed up her emails to Anthony Weiner’s laptop after leaving the State Department – even though she said on oath and to FBI agents that she did no such thing An examination of emails released by the State Department shows that backup copies were created in the dates after Clinton left the State Department in 2013 The messages were archived from ‘BBB Backup’...

This a world full of morons who believe they are more than that.

By on Jan 9, 2018

Simply put, the majority, but not by many, are morons. Can We Afford Renewable Energy? by Tyler Durden Sat, 01/06/2018 – 18:30 0 SHARES Authored by Erico Matias Tavares via Sinclair & Co., Over a decade ago we got involved in the development of the biofuels industry in Europe, when it began to take off in earnest there.   At that time estimated profits from biodiesel production created considerable enthusiasm, which at one point turned euphoric with new production facilities being announced almost on a weekly basis. What was not to like? Europeans would get to drive their cars using green, very low-carbon, seemingly affordable fuels, saving the environment in the process. And investors would make a ton of money. However, reality turned out to be rather more complicated than that, much to the chagrin of those investors. Production margins were quite volatile and very...