Missing Malaysian Airlines Flight 370 – Free energy is No longer Science Fiction

By on May 4, 2024

Ashton Forbes Has a Theory About What Happened to Missing Malaysian Airlines Flight 370 This is quite remarkable but may go a long way in explaining why there seems to be such middle finger waving at the genral world population https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/best-of-the-program-guests-ashton-forbes-cliff-sims-5-3-24/id620967489?i=1000654456086 https://hackernoon.com/deciphering-digital-trails-ashton-forbes-on-the-new-mh370-internet-investigation https://twitter.com/i/communities/1713278321595760786 https://www.reddit.com/user/Additional_Ad3796/?ref=hackernoon.com&rdt=52797 Deciphering Digital Trails: Ashton Forbes on the new MH370 Internet Investigation In March 2014, the world watched in collective disbelief and growing concern as Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 mysteriously vanished from radar screens, sparking one of the most extensive search operations in...

Greatest Killer of Americans in all History

By on Sep 3, 2023

CNN asks Fauci why the highest quality scientific evidence consistently shows that masks do not work?"The most rigorous and comprehensive analysis of scientific studies conducted on the efficacy of masks for reducing the spread of respiratory illnesses — including Covid-19 —… pic.twitter.com/GUdGak0AZh— KanekoaTheGreat (@KanekoaTheGreat) September 3, 2023 Keep Not Believing 🚨🚨🚨Miles Guo's on 2021.01.26 –"I told the world the global catastrophe was coming! The Chinese Communist Party wanted to rule the whole world by using "BGY" strategies, and the "3F" Plan to defeat America, to kill Americans, and to rule America.After a thousand days of the… pic.twitter.com/7rfpRB8a3n— 頓船 (@mikln8) September 3, 2023 Buffoon Epic. Fauci was wrong about every single thing during the pandemic. https://t.co/uOs89xWcZG— MAZE (@mazemoore) September...