Apparently, this woman’s idiocy knows no bounds. Putting aside her THREAT (which really shows her stupidity) and looking at her love of socialism we really have to wonder just what it is with these folks from NY who obviously cannot look at North Korea, Venezuela, Cuba, etc., etc., etc. and discern that communism DOES NOT WORK. Could it possibly be that these new American socialists are not so much interested in communism as they are in getting elected by appealing to the sin nature of natural man by offering that everything should be FREE?
Ocasio-Cortez Threatens To Retaliate Against Trump Jr. Over Meme, Twitter Explodes With Accusations Of Ethics Violations
A source close to Donald Trump Jr. says that they expect an ethics complaint will be filed.
ANd if you really want to see the state of education in this country and really want to get sick know this, this girl has an Economics degree yet apparently KNOWS NOTHING about economics (remind me to never send my children to Boston College) or much anything else.
Socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez threatened to use the powers of her elected office to retaliate against Donald Trump Jr. on Friday after the president’s son posted a meme trolling her on his personal Instagram account.
“I have noticed that Junior here has a habit of posting nonsense about me whenever the Mueller investigation heats up,” Ocasio-Cortez tweeted. “Please, keep it coming Jr – it’s definitely a “very, very large brain” idea to troll a member of a body that will have subpoena power in a month.”
“Have fun!” she concluded.
I have noticed that Junior here has a habit of posting nonsense about me whenever the Mueller investigation heats up.
Please, keep it coming Jr – it’s definitely a “very, very large brain” idea to troll a member of a body that will have subpoena power in a month.
Have fun! — Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@Ocasio2018) December 7, 2018
Ocasio-Cortez’s tweet came in response to this Instagram post from Trump Jr.:

Almost immediately, numerous political analysts, commentators, and pundits noted that Ocasio-Cortez’s comments likely constituted an ethics violation.
“It’s worth noting that the official House Ethics Manual explicitly prohibits the kind of threat that @Ocasio2018 just issued against @DonaldJTrumpJr for his refusal to support her political agenda,” The Federalist’s Sean Davis wrote on Twitter.
The House prohibition on the very kind of threat that @Ocasio2018 just made to @DonaldTrumpJr couldn’t be clearer: lawmakers are “prohibited from threatening punitive action” against people/groups for not politically supporting the lawmaker. Ethics Committee should investigate. — Sean Davis (@seanmdav) December 7, 2018
A source close to Donald Trump Jr. told The Daily Wire that they expect an ethics complaint will be filed.
Here are some of the most notable responses to Ocasio-Cortez’s tweet:
So, um, if he trolls you on media, then you’re going to use the power of the government to come after him? That’s not fascist or anything. — Ben Shapiro (@benshapiro) December 7, 2018
So you stalk @DonaldJTrumpJr on Twitter and are now threatening to abuse Congressional subpoena power for a personal vendetta if he continues to point out the stupid things you say? How very progressive. — Derek Hunter (@derekahunter) December 7, 2018
“The new gestapo will come to us in the form of internet trolls led by a telegenic populist from one of the five boroughs.” – Nostradamus — ART TAVANA (@arttavana) December 7, 2018
Something tells me that if this happened, the media coverage would look different than Politico’s story here. — German Lopez (@germanrlopez) December 7, 2018
My dislike for Jr is well-documented, but threatening a private citizen with a Congressional subpoena because he made a meme you don’t like is one hell of a hot take. — Joe Walsh (@WalshFreedom) December 7, 2018
Sorry, did this fool just threaten to use the power of government to punish a citizen because he posted a meme? — Brandon Morse (@TheBrandonMorse) December 7, 2018
Did you just threaten to subpoena someone for criticizing you? As a lawyer and former prosecutor I find this deeply troubling. — Kimberly Guilfoyle (@kimguilfoyle) December 7, 2018
.@Ocasio2018, you come off as ignorant and uninformed.
Going to threaten all of with illegal retaliatory subpoenas because you’re too thin skinned to take that kind of criticism?
You are proving that you are far too emotional and immature to hold this seat. — John Cardillo (@johncardillo) December 7, 2018