Think about it. What is it about winning elections that is SO important to democrats that they are willing to cheat and to cheat to an extent that is so extreme as to be ridiculous? Goes hand in hand with their fierce opposition to voter ID. Why? And if you think that question is good, here is almost a better one. Why doesn’t the other side do anything about it, why doesn’t anyone seem to care enough to stop it?
Democrat Vote Fraud
“The [Texas] Secretary of State’s office discovered that about 95,000 individuals identified by the Department of Public Safety as non-U.S. citizens have a matching voter registration record in Texas, and roughly 58,000 of them have voted in one or more Texas elections.” — Ken Paxton, Texas Attorney General, official statement after yearlong voter-fraud probe, 1/25/19
“58,000 noncitizens voted in Texas, with 95,000 noncitizens registered to vote. These numbers are just the tip of the iceberg. All over the country, especially in California, voter fraud is rampant. Must be stopped. Strong voter id!” — Donald Trump, two days later, on Twitter, 1/27/19
“Fact Check: Trump Wrongly Claims There Was Voter Fraud in Texas.” — usa Today, 1/31/19
“Civil Rights Groups Call Ken Paxton’s ‘voter fraud alert’ a Smokescreen for Voter Suppression.” — The Texas Observer, 1/29/19
There you have it, a textbook example of what always happens: 1) news breaks of Democrat voting shenanigans; 2) Republicans quote the news; 3) Democrats accuse Republicans of racism, lying, and “voter suppression.” It’s a repeating loop that protects one of the Democrat Party’s most effective tools to grow and maintain their power: cheating.
For two years we’ve been told that President Trump is lying about voter fraud, which Democrats insist, over and over and over again, practically never happens. When Trump opened the Advisory Commission on Voter Integrity to examine ways to tighten up our lax election system, he was met with nothing but resistance from the left, who weren’t going to let him anywhere near this, the Rosetta Stone of Democrat corruption.
As Investor’s Business Daily noted, Trump was forced to disband the commission, “not because it didn’t find anything, but because it faced a fusillade of lawsuits and stonewalling from state election officials.” Likewise with the Interstate Voter Registration Crosscheck Program, where states share data to ensure accurate voter registrations are maintained. The program has identified hundreds of thousands of potentially duplicate registrations, as well as proof of illegal double voting. Yet only 30 states (mostly red) participate.
Folks, voter fraud is a serious problem in the United States, and anyone who says otherwise is a liberal. In its Election Fraud Database, the Heritage Foundation compiled 1,177 noteworthy cases of voter fraud in recent years resulting in 1,019 convictions. The types of voter fraud include altering the vote count, buying votes, fraudulent absentee ballots, duplicate voting, and ineligible voting (by noncitizens or felons).
What’s remarkable is not just the brazenness of the crimes — free cocaine for votes, registering and voting under a pet’s name — but the fact that they were uncovered and prosecuted at all. As part of city political machines deeply embedded in the municipal power structure, a significant number of these perps (most, but not all of them, Democrats) actually work in the election process. These types have been covering their tracks for 50 years, or longer.
Stonewalling pays off. According to The Washington Free Beacon, Harris County, TX official Mike Sullivan testified under oath that thousands of noncitizens in the Houston area are discovered on their voting rolls every year and handed over to the District Attorney for prosecution. But when the election integrity group Public Interest Legal Foundation [pilf] requested those documents under the National Voter Registration Act, the foot-dragging started. pilf has been forced to file suit against the Harris County Voter Registrar for “concealing records in relation to noncitizens on voter rolls.”
Even before the 2018 midterm shenanigans in Broward County, FL, pilf had already filed suit against Brenda Snipes in 2017 to “explain why Broward has more registered voters than citizens of voting age,” reports LifeZette, “and why Broward County, which has the highest number of Democratic voters in the state, has thousands of people over the age of 100 on its roll, and some as old as 130.”
Folks, Democrats have been gaming our elections for years. Much of our electoral infrastructure is built on the honor system, and as you will see, there is no honor among Democrats:
Democrat Fraud Deniers
- “[I]nstances of a person impersonating another voter to cast a fraudulent ballot are less common than shark attacks.” — Think Progress, 2/16/19
- “For years, Republicans have attempted to justify the need for new voting restrictions by exaggerating the existence of voter fraud, which in reality is very rare.” — Huffington Post, 2/5/19
- “Republican advocates of [voter] id … insist that they are needed to stop voter fraud, though studies have concluded that in-person fraud is very rare.” — The New York Times, 1/31/19
- “There is no voter fraud in Texas. It’s a lie repeated time and again to suppress minority voters…” — Domingo Garcia, League of United Latin American Citizens, The Washington Times, 1/30/19
- “[E]xperts have repeatedly concluded that voter fraud is extremely rare.”— nbc News, 1/27/19
- “Studies have repeatedly shown that voter fraud is virtually non-existent.” — Southern Poverty Law Center, “Trump Lies Again About Voter Fraud,” 11/15/18
- “Voter fraud is not a problem in the United States. Study after study has shown that few — if any — people vote illegally in American elections.” — The Washington Post, 11/6/18
- “Stealing someone’s identity to vote is less likely than being struck by lightning.” — cnn, 11/5/18
- “‘Voter Fraud’ Is a Myth That Helps Republicans Win, Even When Their Policies Aren’t Popular.” — The Boston Globe, 10/23/18
- “Donald Trump Warns People to Beware of Non-Existent Voter Fraud.” — cnn Politics, 10/22/18
- “In-person voter fraud is actually vanishingly rare.” — Allan J. Lichtman, The Washington Post, 10/22/18
- “Voter fraud in this country is actually very rare.” — Jim Acosta, cnn reporter, on Twitter, 10/20/18
- “There is essentially no voter fraud in this country and the President knows it…” — Glenn Thrush, New York Times reporter, on Twitter, 10/20/18
- “[E]xamination after examination of voter fraud claims reveal fraud is very rare … and much of the problems associated with alleged fraud relates to unintentional mistakes…” — Myth of Voter Fraud, from the Brennan Center for Justice, a far-left think tank
Not So Rare
- “Pennsylvania Admits to 11,000 Noncitizens Registered to Vote.” — The Washington Times, 1/30/19
- “The National Hispanic Survey conducted in 2013 … found that 13 percent of noncitizen Hispanic respondents said they were registered to vote … [T]he Just Facts nonprofit applied the 13 percent figure to the 2010 census, which found that 11.8 million noncitizen Hispanics were living in the U.S. [and] calculated that the number of illegally registered Hispanics could range from 800,000 to 2.2 million.” — The Washington Times, 1/30/19
- “After the 2016 elections, Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted found 821 noncitizens registered to vote … of whom 126 had voted in 2016 or earlier elections. A 2013 analysis of voter registration … found 1,046 noncitizens registered in Virginia. A 2011 study found 12,000 noncitizens registered to vote in Colorado. 5,000 of whom did so in the 2010 midterm elections.” — Investor’s Business Daily, 1/28/19
- “NH Attorney General’s Office Reviewing, Investigating 78 Cases of Potential Voter Fraud.” — wmur, 12/18/18
- “Nearly 200 Cases of Suspected Voter Fraud Investigated in Wisconsin Since 2016.” — The Wausau Daily Herald, 11/20/18
- “California was recently forced to admit that it had mistakenly registered almost 25,000 ineligible voters.” — Fox News, 10/27/18
- “pilf’s … preliminary study of the Detroit metro area found at least 1,444 noncitizens have been registered to vote in recent years. pilf has also found thousands of noncitizens — many of whom have voted — on voter rolls in other jurisdictions, including New Jersey, Illinois, and numerous sanctuary cities.” — Fox News, 10/27/18
- “Over a 20-year-period, Pennsylvania Department of Motor Vehicles officials have allowed thousands of noncitizens to register to vote and many have actually voted. After state officials withheld documents … pilf sued to enforce a federal disclosure law. After months of litigation, state election officials are still concealing the information that no one in the media seems interested in uncovering.” — Fox News, 10/27/18
- “After three lawsuits … [pilf] has uncovered the following: Virginia election officials quietly removed 5,556 voters for noncitizenship between 2011 and May 2017 … a total of 7,474 illegal ballots were cast from the pool of removed noncitizens … Virginia election officials routinely fail to alert law enforcement about these illegal votes or registrations.” — pilf, 5/29/17
- “35,570 voters … are registered in NC and another state and voted in both [states] in the 2012 election.” — findings, North Carolina State Board of Elections
Tip of the Iceberg
- “A Mississippi alderman has been charged with voter fraud. Canton [MS] Alderman Andrew Grant had been named but not charged in an earlier indictment, which charged six people. wlbt-tv reports that an indictment handed up last month says Grant paid at least one person to vote for him in 2017. He’s charged with four counts of voter fraud and two of conspiracy to commit voter fraud.” — ap, 2/5/19
- “State investigators arrested a former employee of the Starr County [TX] district attorney’s office … for allegedly voting with a dead person’s identity in the … Democratic primary … The grand jury indictment charged [Bernice] Garza with two counts of illegal voting and one count of providing false information on a voting application for allegedly voting under the name Hortencia Rios, a woman who died in June 2007. The indictment alleges Garza applied for and voted through an early voting ballot under Rios’ name …” — The [McAllen, TX] Monitor, 1/31/19
- “[Former Democrat Party chief] John Mallozzi was charged with 14 counts of false statement in absentee balloting and 14 counts of second-degree forgery. The arrest comes after an investigation by the Stamford/Norwalk State’s Attorney’s office after a complaint from the State Elections Enforcement Commission. The investigation began after municipal election officials in Stamford made a report after a person who was recorded as having voted by absentee ballot showed up to cast his ballot at the polls.” — nbc Connecticut, 1/30/19
- “Sullivan Co. [TN] Woman Arrested on Voter Fraud Charge.” — Knox News, 1/18/19
- “Alabama Mayor Convicted of Voter Fraud, Removed from Office.” — ap, 1/17/19
- “A [Miami] resident charged with fraud for voting in Hooksett [NH] came to the attention of authorities because residents reported a suspicious car [with FL plates] parked near the town polling place…” — New Hampshire Union Leader, 12/17/18
- “The former Canton [MS] fire chief is the latest official to be arrested in a voter fraud sweep in Madison County. Madison County Assistant District Attorney Bryan Buckley confirmed Cary Johnson was arrested Friday as the seventh person accused of voter fraud. The arrest stems from the 2017 Canton municipal elections. Johnson allegedly bought votes in exchange for money and beer. He was indicted on three counts of voter fraud, Buckley said. Canton Alderwoman and former Police Chief Vickie McNeil and five others were indicted … on charges of voter fraud.” — The [MS] Clarion Ledger, 12/7/18
- “Court Upholds Voter Fraud Conviction for [TX] Green-Card Holder.” — Fortune, 11/28/18
- “Los Angeles County prosecutors have charged nine people with felonies alleging they offered money and cigarettes to homeless people on LA’s Skid Row in exchange for false and forged signatures on ballot petitions and voter registration forms … during the 2016 and 2018 election cycles … Prosecutors allege there were hundreds of solicitations for false or forged signatures and homeless people were offered a dollar or cigarettes for participation.” — U.S. News & World Report, 11/20/18
- “A former chief investigator of Mercer County [NJ] elections has been charged with voter fraud after officials learned she resides in Pennsylvania, yet has voted in New Jersey since at least 2012. [Democrat] Andrea Palmucci-McGillicuddy, 52, is charged with fraudulent voting, interference with elections, and other related offenses, according to court records.” — The Trentonian, 11/15/18
- “[I]n 2017, the Supervisor of Elections: (i) admitted that her office has allowed ineligible voters — including felons and noncitizens — to cast votes; and (ii) wrongfully authorized the destruction of ballots cast in the 2016 Democratic primary election for the 23rd Congressional District of Florida.” — lawsuit against Brenda Snipes, Politico, 11/12/18. The notorious Snipes gets an almost $11,000 per month pension, says The South Florida Sun Sentinel; being a Democrat does pay.
- “[Democrat politician Frank] Raia instructed … co-conspirators to … [go] to the voters’ residences and, in some cases, instructed the voters to vote for Raia … Conspirators promised the voters that they would be paid $50 for casting their mail-in ballots and told them that they could pick up their checks after the election at Raia’s office in Hoboken. Bank records show that voters living in Hoboken received $50 checks from an entity hired by Raia’s political action committee.” — The Hoboken [NJ] Patch, “Ex-Hoboken Candidate ‘Pupie’ Raia Indicted for Voter Bribery,” 11/1/18
- “Texas Democratic Party Leader Funded ‘Voter Fraud Ring,’ Says [Attorney General].” — Breitbart, 10/25/18
- “Officials allege the [four] women were paid to target older voters on [Fort Worth’s] north side ‘in a scheme to generate a large number of mail ballots and then harvest these ballots for specific candidates in 2016.’” — The Fort Worth Star-Telegram, 10/24/18
- “Nineteen Foreign Nationals Charged for Voting in 2016 Election: Multiple Defendants Voted in More Than One Election.” — U.S. Department of Justice announcement, 8/24/18
- “Maria Azada, an illegal alien from the Philippines living in Illinois, was convicted on 11 charges including perjury and mutilation of election material in relation to illegal voting. Despite being ineligible, Azada voted nine times in various elections.” — cns News, 7/25/17
- “Hector Ramirez … a 2014 State Assembly candidate for the [NY] 86th Assembly District, deceived voters into giving their absentee ballots to his campaign[,] … [promising to] submit the ballots. Instead, Ramirez’s campaign inserted his name on at least 35 of the absentee ballots.” — Heritage Foundation’s Election Fraud Database
- Dothan, AL commissioner Amos Newsome was losing his reelection race in 2013 until he received 119 of the 124 absentee votes cast. Ultimately, four of Newsome’s campaign volunteers were convicted of multiple counts of absentee ballot fraud, including filling out blank ballots. — The Dothan Eagle, 12/24/17
- “Magoffin County [KY] Magistrate Gary Risner [and others] … were convicted of felony voter fraud for a vote-buying scheme for a host of candidates [including Democrat state Rep. John Short] in the 2014 election … [T]he group had participated in vote-buying conspiracies in elections dating back to 2010 … [The group paid] individuals $50 to vote for their slate of candidates. Shepherd also revealed that in a 2010 election, while acting as a precinct officer, he added 60 votes to the total for a candidate.” — Heritage Database
- “Fredericus Slicher, a registered sex offender and illegal alien, pleaded guilty to ineligible voting [in Baltimore] in the 2012 election as well as several other criminal charges. He had been illegally voting in federal and state elections since 1976.” — cns News, 7/25/17
- “Chief of staff to Florida [state] Rep. Joe Garcia (D), Jeffrey Garcia, resigned and pleaded guilty to orchestrating a plot involving the submission of hundreds of fraudulent absentee-ballot requests during the primary in 2012.” — Heritage Database
- “Deisy Cabrera pleaded guilty to charges of being an absentee ballot broker (boletera) as part of a massive absentee voter fraud scheme. Her notebook contained the names and addresses of over 500 voters who were mostly elderly Hispanics in Hialeah [FL]. The lists, titled Deisy’s Voters, reportedly included information as to whether the voter was illiterate or was blind, deaf, or had Alzheimer’s.” — Heritage Database
That’s just a tiny sampling of the publicly revealed fraud. Which is an infinitesimal percentage of what’s beneath the surface: a diabolically sophisticated nationwide Democrat vote-fraud apparatus. Unless Republican lawmakers everywhere go on the legal attack, elections will continue to feature Democrat close wins thanks to boxes of Democrat-marked ballots suddenly “found” in car trunks, as every Democrat and every Democrat media mouthpiece repeats, like the mind-numbed robots they are: “There is no voter fraud!”
February 03, 2020 | Judicial Watch
Judicial Watch: Eight Iowa Counties Have Total Registration Rates Larger than Eligible Voter Population – at Least 18,658 Extra Names on Iowa Voting Rolls

(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced that eight Iowa counties have more voter registrations than their eligible voting-age population. According to Judicial Watch’s analysis of data released by the U.S. Election Assistance Commission (EAC) in 2019 and the most recent U.S. Census Bureau’s five-year American Community Survey, eight Iowa counties are on the list of 378 counties nationwide that have more voter registrations than citizens living there who are old enough to vote, i.e., counties where registration rates exceed 100%. These 378 counties combined had about 2.5 million registrations over the 100%-registered mark. In Iowa, there are at least 18,658 “extra names” on the voting rolls in the eight counties at issue.
Under the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 (NVRA), Judicial Watch sent notice-of-violation letters to 19 large counties in five states (California, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Virginia, and Colorado) that it intends to sue unless the jurisdictions take steps to comply with the law and remove ineligible voter registrations. Section 8 of the National Voter Registration Act requires jurisdictions to take reasonable efforts to remove ineligible registrations from its rolls.
The chart below details the eight Iowa counties’ registration rate percentages:
Reg Rate | Total Population | |
Dallas County | 114.8 | 80,864 |
Johnson County | 107.9 | 144,425 |
Lyon County | 102.5 | 11,745 |
Madison County | 102.5 | 15,720 |
Poweshiek County | 102.1 | 18,428 |
Dickinson County | 100.9 | 17,000 |
Scott County | 100.8 | 171,493 |
Warren County | 100.5 | 48,630 |
In addition to the eight listed above, Polk County, Iowa’s largest, has an unusually high registration rate of 95.9% of total eligible citizen voting-age population.“Dirty voting rolls can mean dirty elections and Iowa need to undertake a serious effort to address its voting rolls,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton.Judicial Watch is the national leader in enforcing the National Voters Registration Act, which requires states to take reasonable steps to clean their voting rolls.In 2018, the Supreme Court upheld a massive voter roll clean up that resulted from a Judicial Watch settlement of a federal lawsuit with Ohio.California also settled a similar lawsuit with Judicial Watch that last year began the process of removing up to 1.5 million “inactive” names from Los Angeles County voting rolls. Kentucky also began a cleanup of up to 250,00 names last year after it entered into a consent decree to end another Judicial Watch lawsuit.
Judicial Watch Attorney Robert Popper is the director of Judicial Watch’s Election Integrity initiative.