August 22, 2022

All 50 states were represented at Saturday’s “The Moment of Truth Summit” in Springfield, Missouri. Citizen-led investigations into the 2020 election and, in some cases, data from the 2022 primaries were presented. After seven plus hours of watching Mike Lindell’s “State of the States” afternoon pow-wow on Saturday, four major takeaways emerged:
1) U.S. Voter rolls are egregiously poorly maintained.
2) Elected and appointed officials across the nation are either allegedly refusing to cooperate or actively blocking citizen-led election integrity initiatives, whether it’s to investigate machines or clean up the voter rolls.
3) Funding and lawyers are difficult to secure.
4) Despite the odds, citizens across the country continue to be meaningfully engaged in fixing elections.
Impressively, all but two of America’s 50 states sent in-person representatives to present summaries of their findings, appearing in alphabetical order. New Jersey and West Virginia sent their findings to Lindell’s team, and their data were summarized by Lindell and moderator Brannon Howse during the summit. Lindell’s platform Frank Speech provides clips from all 50 states on its website here. Red state or not, every state in the country allegedly has systemic problems with election administration.
I’m watching the State of the States report at the Truth Summit. There are problems, discrepancies, roadblocks to transparency, and corruption in every. single. county. in our nation—red state or not. Our nation MUST return to in-person voting, with an ID, on paper ballots only.
— Cari Kelemen 2.0 (@CariKelemen) August 21, 2022
Despite going about an hour over the allotted time for the 50 presentations, time was still limited for each presentation. Many states did not have ample time to present their data fully. Still, the summit organizers did an amazing job capturing each state’s findings with a uniform series of slides, one set for each state. With those slides, titled “Explain This,” “Roadblocks,” and “Victories,” most of the presenters were able to present a small slice of their findings and results. A few states like Arizona, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Georgia, and Wisconsin got more air time, partly because they are swing states that played heavily in the 2020 election. Those particular states also have more robust teams dedicated to looking at almost every aspect of the 2020 election, with lawsuits in tow. Many presenters have established organizations with corresponding websites highlighting their data and proposed solutions.
Problems with Voting Machines
After watching each state present its data, it is easy to understand why voting machines are problematic. The Alabama team stated that voting machines in their state “are less secure than vending machines.” The Delaware team allegedly found “their machines have a 13-25% error rate and almost 10% of the votes have to be adjudicated.” In Iowa’s 2022 Primary, the team there reported:
“Scanners that check IDs and the voter database went down on election day, and during the outage, there were technicians going around from poll book to poll book sticking in thumb drives to update the voter rolls. With the redistricting which was finalized in November of last year, the secretary of state still hadn’t updated all the voter rolls to match the new districts until after the primaries. So, during the primary at 9:30 in the morning, during the voting, in one county they went to all of the precincts and replaced the thumb drives in the poll books. And as of July of this year, the voter rolls were still not updated. So some voters were still showing up in their old districts and we are not sure how the votes were counted.”
Patrick Colbeck from Michigan reported that the state’s machines allegedly have embedded 4G wireless chips that connect to the internet on startup. Colbeck and Matt DePerno did an extensive investigation of issues in the Antrim County 2020 election, going head to head with the Secretary of State in several lawsuits. Colbeck also alluded to the “Edison Drop,” as did many states. The Edison Drop (Edison Research) signifies the moment when the cumulative vote tally inexplicably dropped to zero in the wee hours of the morning and then suddenly shot back up, resetting itself. The polling firm Edison Research explained the drops were “human error,” stating the votes were “mistakenly entered, and then removed” to correct the results.

State after state reported that machines were operating with outdated software, which means their elections cannot be properly certified. Mississippi reported that each county has different ways of testing machines, “if they test them at all.” In Mississippi, there are no statewide standards whatsoever, and the voting machine companies are the ones who perform the testing and election software updates. There are “12 different types of machines throughout the state and no law requiring counties to test machines.” Mary Smith from Tennessee Voters for Election Integrity in the red state of Tennessee reported that voting machine vendors:
“Control the entire process—from the ballots to the BMDs, to printing ballots to scanning ballots, tabulating ballots, and tallying the entire county totals. It is a monopoly without ANY citizen control. Despite real evidence that machines can be hacked, vendors refuse to answer any questions or allow internal inspections. Tennessee‘s Secretary of State (Tre Hargett), Coordinator of Elections (Mark Goins), the State Election Commission, and even many county election commissions protect the vendors instead of the citizens. There are roughly 30 different voting machines in use in Tennessee.”
Smith looked at eight counties in the state and said she “could not get any of those voter rolls and voter histories to match up to what was certified by the secretary of state. None of them. Not even down to the precinct level.”

New Jersey reported that voting machine companies and ballot printing firms regularly make contributions to county clerks “who participate in purchasing decisions for the equipment.” According to the reps for New Jersey, virtually no one in the state “is allowed to audit or examine the many parts of the election process, and machine vendors claim exclusive proprietary secrecy, blocking verification or examination of the election systems in the state.” This was a common complaint in the various presentations. CISA has now admitted voting machine vulnerabilities after years of contending that American elections are safe and secure.
Voter Rolls are Abysmal
Machines aside, all state teams concluded that many of the problems with election administration could mostly be solved with cleaner voter rolls and a return to good old-fashioned paper ballots. State after state warned that dirty voter rolls are corrupting elections. Some highlights below:
Iowa reported counties with 130% turnout.
Minnesota was missing over 734,000 absentee voter records on November 29, 2020, “five days after the canvassing board met and certified the election and 64,067 voters were removed within a year with no explanation for the removal.
Maryland deleted all the video footage from drop boxes, violating state and federal laws. The state has “filthy voter rolls.” 21 counties and Baltimore City received money from CTCL and Zuckerberg. In the 2021 Annapolis City General Election, mail-in ballots were mailed to all registered voters. It took election officials 27 days to certify the 2022 gubernatorial election. They don’t count mail-in ballots until three days after elections. The group from Maryland has filed a RICO case in the state because of the CTCL/Zuckerberg funding.
Ohio’s voter rolls are “growing faster than the state’s population.
In Oklahoma, the “reddest state in the nation,” one county alone showed 636 registered voters with no physical address, and 65,000 voter ID cards were returned “undeliverable” in Oklahoma County in June of 2022.
Hawaii’s Corinne Solomon reported its population growth to be “very slow” over the past decade, yet, its voter rolls are extremely inflated. The reps reported 100,000 to 167,000 excess votes in the 2020 election. Solomon reported “strange spikes in Democrat votes. If we don’t get rid of our horribly corrupt voter rolls, we won’t be able to have clean elections in Hawaii.”
Colorado reported that unaffiliated voters are a huge issue, with “unaffiliated” being the “largest party in the state.” Unaffiliated voters receive two ballots in the mail.
Connecticut’s team from reported upwards of 230,000 fake voters on the state’s rolls, among many other issues with the election process in the state.
Georgia’s own Garland Favorito with stated that what SoS Raffensberger certified in the election did not match. The Trump margin was 103,705. Votes counted were 4,664,919, and votes cast were 4,758,217. Raffensperger certified 4,998,482 votes. However, there were allegedly 178,036 phantom votes. 5.8% extra votes were counted.
Kansas’ Thad Snyder reported that paper ballots were confirmed to have been copied the day of the election instead of using official paper ballots during the August 2 primary. He also reported a Cherokee County “vote flip” after a “third party inserted a thumb drive into the tabulator to retrieve the results. Snyder explained, “The only reason the flip was caught was because citizens in the state paid for a hand count of the actual paper ballots that revealed both the flip and confirmed the existence of the copied ballots. He and others fought with state officials to abide by Kansas Statute 25-3009 to count official ballots.” Election officials and the Secretary of State tried to bamboozle them into believing that photocopies of the digital images of the ballots were lawful records for a post-election audit.
Maine’s husband and wife team explained that all of the thumb drives from the 2020 election were “recalled and wiped out,” so there is no record of the election. The Maine state legislature put a law on the books stating there “can be no election audit unless 80% of the legislature votes for it after people in the state submitted over 15,000 affidavits to the legislature concerning the 2020 election.” 102.3% of the population in the state are registered to vote when they compared the 2020 census to the total ballot count certified by the Secretary of State. Two towns had over 100% registered. One reported 146%. “Between the years of 2009 to 2019, there were 78k new voters registered. However, in a four-month period starting in November 2020, 71,846 registered to vote.” They said that Zuckerberg “spent a lot of money in Maine.” The team told the story of one person who said she went to many nursing homes and group homes to register voters during the pandemic lockdowns. is the organization in Maine that collected the affidavits.
NY Citizens Audit explained their extensive review of what they now conclude is the state’s “weaponized voter rolls, official counts in the state do not agree.” They reported discrepancies between the secretary of state and the board of elections showing a 334,615 vote discrepancy. The biggest vote count discrepancies are in the five Boroughs of New York City at 82.8%.

Wisconsin’s report was delivered by Justice Michael Gableman, a fierce investigator of election fraud in the state. His organization, shows all of his findings. Gableman said that what he found in Wisconsin demonstrates “the worst kind of fraud and corruption that can take place in a democracy. It involved using government power and government offices to rig the election in favor of one candidate, that would be Joe Biden, against Donald Trump.” Gableman alluded to his 136-page Second Interim Investigative Report delivered in March 2022 to the Wisconsin State Assembly. He described a web of Obama-connected individuals who used ZuckerBucks in the state in a coordinated election influence operation to “get out the vote” in 5 key cities in Wisconsin. Election clerks in the state allegedly colluded with Obama operatives David Plouffe and David Axelrod to swing the vote in Biden’s favor. Gableman said the five largest cities used CTCL/Zuckerberg “COVID” funds under the guise of the pandemic but, in reality, “less than one percent of the funds actually went to COVID safety materials.”

Gableman also explained the relationship between David Becker’s ERIC organization (voter registration) and Wisconsin Election Commission Administrator Meagan Wolfe, the Chair of ERIC’s Board. Becker also founded CEIR in 2016. CEIR and CTCL donated millions to Wisconsin in 2020 for election administration.
Roadblocks Everywhere
Almost every state’s representatives reported resistance from both elected and appointed officials when trying to obtain documents or pass sane election legislation. Citizens told stories of being charged exorbitant, and discouraging fees for FOIA’d documents. They were consistently discouraged or barred from being allowed to inspect voting machines. They were often outright denied any efforts to question the 2020 election and, recently, some of the 2022 primaries.
Even “free” states like South Dakota, whose data is pictured in the graphic below, experienced roadblocks, many representative of those thrown in the path of other citizens’ investigations across the country. Jessica from South Dakota reported:
“Secretary of State wouldn’t answer questions. They were denied FOIA requests for election information. County auditors destroyed drop box videos, and denied FOIA requests for machine logs, CVRs, and ES& S contracts. State attorneys coordinated statewide efforts to block FOIA requests in every county. Even the most conservative legislators didn’t want to bring election integrity bills to the floor. Legislators blocked a bill to remove dead voters.”

And yet, these citizens celebrated many victories at their own expense and during their free time. They called for and participated in post-election audits, submitted election integrity bills to legislators, went to thousands of doors in canvassing, and combined efforts to investigate voter rolls. In many instances, these citizens brought costly lawsuits and even won some. They pushed against county and state officials to gain access to ballots and the materials they needed to prove fraud. However, many lawsuits were stopped by judges “for standing” even though it is well within the constitutional right of citizens to investigate elections.
Mike Lindell’s summit highlighted the efforts of many whose efforts have been both sincere and productive. The 7-plus hours of citizens’ testimonies showed scores of dedicated people from all 50 states who have worked tirelessly to bring the receipts necessary to protect all Americans’ right to free and fair elections.