This article originally appeared on and was republished with permission. Guest Post by Lynne Balzer 1) The Global Warming “crisis” was once a global cooling “crisis”! In the 1960s, the weather started cooling off from thedecades of warming that caused the 1930s dust bowl. But while the earth was cooling, the percentage of CO2 was rising at the same time. Carbon dioxide and overpopulation were blamed. This Time Magazine cover is the tip of the iceberg. There were hundreds of articles and books predicting an ice age by the turn of the century. But when temperatures began to rise again in the 1980s, the climate fear mongers told us that the carbon dioxide we were emitting was causing the earth to warm up! In the same year Meryl Streep hosted a PBS documentary entitled, “Race to Save the Planet”. It predicted that by the year 2000 the world’s average...