-2008: Obama gets 69 million -2012: Obama gets 65 million -2016: Hillary gets 65 million -2020: Joe Biden gets 81 MILLION -2024: Kamala Harris gets 66 million One of these things, is not like the others.
Classic Takes: America’s Elections Are Rigged (And Everybody Knows It)
A Pentagon contractor in Spain leads you into the labyrinth of just how rotten our election system has become
Author’s Note: This 2021 article outlined how the rigged 2020 election showed obvious signs of manipulation — including the obvious fact that millions of American votes were “handled” by a Pentagon contractor located in Spain. Why would that ever happen? How could that ever happen? Who exactly is running our elections? Nobody in government wants you to know that answer — and that’s obvious and unconstitutional fraud right there.
If you want to unravel the mysterious results of the 2020 election, you must begin by asking a simple question: why were 78 million American votes from 800 counties in 7 states sent overseas to be “handled” by a bankrupt Spanish company in Barcelona?
This was the question I found myself asking after Election Day in 2020. Someone had told me to check out a foreign company specializing in election technology called: SCYTL. According to its website, the Department of Defense was one of their main customers. SCYTL’s website also bragged that it played a big part in our 2020 elections. Why would the DoD subcontract a Spanish company located in Barcelona to handle 78 million votes from 800 counties?
For that matter, why was the Department of Defense involved in American elections at all?

Who was running our elections? I thought we were running our elections. Didn’t you? It took about three minutes on the Internet to figure out that SCYTL had gone bankrupt right before the 2020 election. It took another three minutes to learn that SCYTL set up a voting system in Switzerland that was abandoned after Swiss authorities launched a public code review in 2019 where researchers discovered errors in the source-code that would allow the system’s operator to alter votes undetected.
Does that sound familiar?
This was the first of many rabbit holes where a reporter could get lost for days. What was Scytl? Who owned it? Who operated it? The corporate media had no interest in these questions, and it wanted to obscure any answers. None of them wanted to do any investigation into why a bankrupt Spanish company was involved in our elections — but even the New York Times had to admit:
Scytl, which was started in Spain in 2001, does make software for local election officials, including some in the United States. In the 2020 election, it says, it provided four types of products to local authorities. One is a system that allows election officials to display results from their elections in a user-friendly format. Another product, “electronic ballot delivery,” helps local election officials deliver ballots to absentee voters.
Ah yes, there’s nothing suspicious about bankrupt Spanish firms being contracted by the Department of Defense to handle electronic ballots in the United States!
When we talk about our elections, we have to talk about “chain of custody.” You would never allow our precious votes to be sent overseas to be counted in foreign countries by foreign companies if you cared about security. That would be the opposite of election security. And yet it’s true: a Spanish company called SCYTL “handled” 78 million US votes because it was subcontracted to do so by the Pentagon. When did the U.S. military tell you that it was in charge of your elections? Never.
That’s all the proof of fraud that you need really.
The smaller frauds inevitably lead you to the bigger fraud. Why did the corporate media ignore the Chair of the Federal Election Commission when he announced that voter fraud was taking place right before our eyes? Why were election observers barred from entering vote counting stations? Why did the vote counting stop on Election Night in the swing states when President Trump was ahead by large margins? How could that happen in the middle of the night in six different states simultaneously? Why did America’s election officials have no plausible explanation for this unprecedented event?
You know the reason. You’re just not supposed to say it.
A former CIA contractor was shocked that I was shocked and told me: “We haven’t had a fair election in this country since 2012. The electronic voting machines were never really certified since then too.” Really? It doesn’t take much digging to turn up dirt on our election system. Once you begin to look at our election companies, you realize the truth immediately: they’re just shell companies. They routinely get “bought out” by private equity firms — with shadowy boards — after elections are held. You know: when the cards must be shuffled again.
It’s a trick.
That’s right: the entire US voting system is basically a labyrinth of shell companies designed to obscure who owns those machines. They are privately-owned and mostly unregulated and totally fake. That’s why nobody should need to be convinced about election fraud. You already know there’s election fraud because the entire system is designed to disguise itself. There’s no earthly reason that election votes from 30 US states were processed (so far as I can tell) by a Canadian firm with software subcontracted from a Venezuelan firm and then handled by a Spanish firm before sending them back to the United States!
If you look at America’s election system from any angle, it looks rigged. Democrats know this and Democrat politicians have complained about it in public. (Here’s a great supercut of Democrats alerting the public that voting machines are vulnerable to hacking and should not be trusted!) Republicans know this too. The videos of voting machines “malfunctioning” are easy to find. How many electronic voting machines are illegally hooked up to the Internet? Notice that you cannot find a single government agency to give you an honest answer.
What does that tell you?
Don’t we pay the American national security state at least a trillion dollars per year to handle this stuff? What are the chances that the CIA and the NSA and DHS are unaware that US election votes are being handled by foreign nationals in foreign countries? The answer to that question is: zero. Why would our vaunted intelligence agencies allow this situation to occur in the first place? Who exactly is hiding behind all these shell companies?
There’s a lot of questions that need a lot of answers before Americans can trust their election process again. Democrats don’t want Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan in charge of our elections, and Republicans don’t want George Soros and Nancy Pelosi in charge either. The issue is bipartisan: we all want fair elections. Our republic is a fiction without them. Voters from both parties should come together to clean up the process because it’s plain to see: the 2020 election was the least secure election in American history.

Michele Swinick Reveals Explosive Evidence of an Administrative Insurrection by Magical Manufactured Vote Totals
by Save My Freedom with Michele Swinick
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In a shocking episode of Save My Freedom, host Michele Swinick pulls back the curtain on the Nov. 8 election debacle, revealing disturbing evidence of systemic election fraud that mainstream media refuses to cover. Dubbed the “Infamous Door #3 Ballots,” this latest scandal is not just a case of bureaucratic bungling but an outright administrative insurrection against the American people.
Door #3, where ballots were supposed to be securely processed, saw 12 precinct ballot reports with NO vote totals. That’s right—no vote totals recorded at all. Even more alarming, 7 other reports showed changed vote totals, raising serious questions about the integrity of the process. How can Americans trust their elections when such blatant discrepancies are allowed to occur?
The most damning revelation is the complete breakdown in the chain of custody. There is NO report documenting how many ballots left the 223 vote centers on November 8, 2022. Without this critical information, it is impossible to verify whether the ballots counted were the ones actually cast by voters. This is not just a failure of oversight—it’s a deliberate attempt to obfuscate the truth.
Adding to the chaos, there is NO report of how many people checked in to vote to compare and reconcile with the number of ballots. This basic safeguard, designed to ensure that every vote is accounted for, was blatantly ignored. Why? What are the election officials hiding?
Swinick doesn’t mince words, calling this fiasco what it truly is: an administrative insurrection. This was not an election; it was a carefully orchestrated attempt to undermine the democratic process and disenfranchise voters. The American people deserve better, and it is time for accountability.
Predictably, the mainstream media remains silent, unwilling to challenge the narrative and investigate these glaring irregularities. Instead, they continue to peddle the myth of a flawless election, ignoring the mounting evidence of fraud and corruption.
Swinick’s powerful episode is a clarion call to all patriots: demand transparency, demand accountability, and never stop fighting for the truth. The integrity of our elections and the future of our democracy depend on it.
The revelations from “Save My Freedom” are a stark reminder that vigilance is crucial in safeguarding our democratic processes. The Nov. 8 election was not just a failure of oversight but a deliberate act of sabotage against the American people. It’s time to wake up and take action. The fight for freedom is far from over.
Tune in to Michele Swinick’s “Save My Freedom” for more explosive revelations and join the battle to reclaim our democracy!