Luciferase is in full operation! Better pay attention to this –

By on Jun 22, 2024

Luciferase is in full operation! According to this lady at the Health Conference. The airport knows if you've had the vaccine or not due to not picking up a trace of said Luciferace… Forget having a tracking device with you (phone). As you are now the tracking device.…— “Sudden And Unexpected” (@toobaffled) June 22, 2024 Is there any method The Powers That Be won’t use to poison...

Things you should know

By on Jun 13, 2024

We didn’t kill Saddam Hussein over “weapons of mass destruction”, we killed him bc he booted the Rothschild-owned Central Bank out of Iraq and was setting up his own monetary exchange system. 🐀☠️— Stew Peters (@realstewpeters) June 3, 2024 Anne Frank’s step-sister admits that photos from Auschwitz are completely FAKE…on live television.— Stew Peters (@realstewpeters) June 4, 2024 Willie Mays might’ve just left us but “The Catch” will live on forever— BaseballHistoryNut (@nut_history) June 19, 2024 Obama. He should have never been allowed to run for President. Here’s a rare footage of him, telling the truth about his birth.💥💥💥— ckm114 (@ConnieKR016) June 21, 2024 The 9/11 Hijackers Were CIA— illuminatibot (@iluminatibot)...


By on Jun 3, 2024

JEKYLL ISLAND: THE TRUTH BEHIND THE FEDERAL RESERVE | WILLIAM T. STILLFull DocumentaryUnless we get rid of the disease known as the Federal Reserve, no amount of change within government will fix anything. It's just putting a bandaid on the wound as Americans slave away.— Redpill Drifter (@RedpillDrifter) February 19, 2024 👀El Salvador’s President Bukele gives a dire economic warning to the American people at CPAC.— RoamingRN (@roaming_rn) June 1,...

The JFK Autopsy Skull X-rays Prove The Government Knew Oswald Wasn’t a Lone Gunman June 1, 2024

By on Jun 1, 2024

By Jerome R. Corsi We now know that the three extant JFK autopsy skull X-rays in the National Archives collection are forgeries, altered to mask evidence of two frontal headshots. The evidence for this proposition is thoroughly presented in a new book, The Assassination of President John F. Kennedy: The Final Analysis, which I have recently published with Dr. David W. Mantik, M.D., Ph.D. Armed with a Ph.D. in physics and a medical practice extending over five decades as a radiation oncologist, Dr. Mantik has seen the JFK autopsy skull X-rays more than anyone else. Using a densitometer, he measured the light coming through the X-rays millimeter-by-millimeter (with some measurements at a tenth-of-a-millimeter calibration). Dr. Mantik has established indisputably that a white patch has been placed to cover the rear parietal and occipital bone on the right side of JFK’s as...

Lahaia Hawaii

By on May 25, 2024

Here's a cleaner version. Wendy Bell / Common Sense.— Freyja™ (@FreyjaTarte) May 24, 2024

Exclusive: Feds secretly knew for years Joe Biden met with son’s Chinese partners on official trip

By on May 25, 2024

Breaking Evidence Takes Biden Impeachment in a Whole New Direction@JustTheNews Founder and Editor-in-Chief @jsolomonReports says federal agents secretly knew for years Joe Biden met with Hunter’s Chinese business partners while on an official government trip. Solomon says House…— Real America's Voice (RAV) (@RealAmVoice) May 24, 2024 Hunter Biden wrote his father was so enamored with China’s communist leader “they all most kissed,” new evidence shows Federal agents gathered evidence during the 2016 election that Hunter Biden had used access to his father on an official government trip to Beijing aboard Air Force Two to connect prospective Chinese business partners with then-Vice President Joe Biden, according to a massive cache of documents recently turned over to Congress and obtained by Just the News. “They got to meet...